Every morning when you wake up, you have a choice-to go through - TopicsExpress


Every morning when you wake up, you have a choice-to go through the newspaper or not to go through it. If you decide to go through it, then you have a choice again- to feel bad about all the ills (do I dare mention?) thats happening in the world around you- printed in a piece of dead wood or to ignore this and browse through page three to look for things that might satiate your soul. In a world where everyone is looking for contentment or the idea of happiness who in their right mind would choose to look into the real world to see it how it is and feel bad, and most of the time just hopeless? No people dont do that. Happiness is not watching photos of a dead kid in social forum. Sure it isnt. But some people do not get contentment in the bottle of a wine or in the lives of plastic people, some people like to think for themselves, some people want their lives to be more than the cattle class around them- so when you tell them why they are making a fuss over issues they cant do shit about, you are not being wholly human. No, I am not accusing you of anything- I am just asking you to feel bad about these things, to feel just a little, say for five minutes, for people whom you have never met. There is this word smart people often use: decadence - they like to ascribe it to humanity these days. But I think decadence has been a pervasive element in every epoch of human history. Even in those golden periods that you might have read about in your history book, there have been occurrences that must have piqued the morality of certain men, which must have numbed them with this hopeless feeling that often plagues your heart. By why do you think- humanity as a whole, still in some ways function stably beyond rogue states and rapists, beyond slaughterhouses and slave owners, beyond jealous acts of lovers? Half the problems in the world are created by us, by men like us, misdirected people, insensible people, stupid people, but then the problems that we create are solved by another set of people- who like to wake up in the morning and who like to belong to this class of people who would rather feel, who would be sad at times for people they dont know, who would scream and shout, who would rather refuse to accept the standards the world set for them, who would rather banter out than ignore the sensibilities other people points out as mawkish. No, you dont have to be them but just be on their side, for once, say a word or two Theres nothing wrong with being verbose, it only magnifies your feelings. Stand with them. Feel. Our consciousness is all we have got, and if we want to act like humans we must use it till decadence itself withers away from the heart of every thinking man. We shall overcome? Yes, some of us who write poetry, would like to believe so.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:41:50 +0000

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