Every now and then, I get asked a question like, what made you - TopicsExpress


Every now and then, I get asked a question like, what made you want to live for God?. Most people who ask that question, think that the Christian life is boring, when its really not. They dont understand why somebody would give up everything and live for God. When I was drinking, it was an extremely dark time for me. I was so lost and so broken, but I was really good at hiding it. I got to a point where it was so dark, that I didnt want to be there anymore. I wanted a way out of that lifestyle, but I couldnt figure out how, so I just kept digging a deeper hole for myself. Drinking was my answer to everything. Im mad? Ill drink. Im sad? Ill drink. Im bored? Ill drink. Im sober? Ill drink. The darkness had completely surrounded my life, my thoughts and my actions. I cried out to God saying things like, if youre real, take this from me. I was driving home drunk one night, and I remember telling myself that itll be fine, nobody is on the road at 3 in the morning. But halfway home, a scenario flashed through my head. I started picturing a young father who was running to the store in the middle of the night, because he needed to get formula for his newborn baby, and I just kept seeing me hit him, over and over again, in my head. I broke down crying thinking about how I could kill somebody from my actions. I told God that if He was real, to have me pulled over and arrested for DUI, because that was the only way Id be able to quit drinking. I made it home safely that night and woke up the next morning angry, thinking to myself, God must not be real, and then I heard a voice in my head saying, you dont need to go to jail to quit drinking, you just need to trust me. I fell short a few times, but it was a new beginning for me. I got saved and devoted my life to God. So back to the original question of, what made you want to live for God?. God looked past all the pain and hurt that Ive caused. He looked past all those times that I put my trust in anything, and everything, besides Him. When He looked at me, He didnt see all the bad things I had done. He saw me, broken and ashamed, and He held out His hand and He pulled me out of that dark place that I had been trying to get out of for so long. If God can do that for somebody like me, He is worthy of my life. That is the ONLY motivation I need to live for Him. He is a good God and He has never failed me. I only hope that anybody that reads this would just reach out and grab the hand thats been trying to reach out to them for so long.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 04:30:52 +0000

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