Every once in a while, Ralfee outdoes herself. This weeks overview - TopicsExpress


Every once in a while, Ralfee outdoes herself. This weeks overview is an example of that unparalleled eloquence and insight. March 19, 2014 © 2013 by Ralfee Finn It’s “Psychic Sensitivity Week” here on Planet Earth, so don’t be surprised if skins, yours or others’, feel more than a little thin. And because so many of us are already sore and bruised from what is best described as the unrelenting intensity of simply trying to get through the days, lots of us are sure to be more than a tad reactive. As you attempt to deal with this hypersensitivity—again, yours or others’—try to notice how often you fall into old attitudes as a way of defending yourself from being overwhelmed; not just overwhelmed by how much is happening around you, but also overwhelmed by how much personal growth is still necessary to ride these waves of change, skillfully. Also pay attention to the stories you tell yourself to explain what doesn’t make sense and what you don’t understand. Sometimes (and if you’re lucky) you might be right, but it’s more than likely that most of the narrative you’re creating has more to do with you than with the other person or the situation you’re currently confronting. Staying present is the key to your success, but it won’t be easy planting both feet in the moment and keeping them there, especially if you’re trying to cope with a meltdown, again, yours or others’ or the disappointment that a fantasy you desire to be true just won’t manifest. It’s a good week to breathe deeply, and as often as necessary, and it is always a good week to encourage your fellow travelers to do the same. The source of sensitivity is a Mercury/Neptune conjunction, in Pisces. Mercury represents the many functions of the mind, including intuition. Neptune symbolizes imagination and fantasy. And when they share the same space—a conjunction—the mind takes off on extravagant flights of fancy. This conjunction also produces the potential for a high degree of permeability to the environment—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—as well as increased susceptibility to suggestion. From a negative perspective, this combination of intuitive and imaginative energy can lead to huge opportunities for self-deception. From a positive point of view, it represents the possibility to travel with the muse, so closely, you might fall in love. Just be aware that both Mercury and Neptune are infamous Tricksters. Try not to fool yourself into thinking that your dreams will turn into realities overnight, without effort. Believe in magic, but also believe in the elbow grease, diligence, and determination it takes to make magic happen. By Saturday, Jupiter, in Cancer, trines that conjunction, and amplifies the already too tender air. Because Jupiter, by its nature, is excessive, conversations, especially discussions about safety and security, could morph into full-blown confessions or in certain instances, evidence-providing exchanges that support your worst fears. Be careful not to let your imagination run away with what’s said. Most of us will be tempted to go over the top. The sensitivity of the week also presents opportunities to turn vulnerability into resilience—something that is not easily done, but a process that is certain to prove invaluable. Notice your reactions—what triggers them and how you handle the situation. Then, ask yourself if it is possible to respond rather than react. Some may quibble that responses and reactions are the same thing, but they aren’t. Reactions are often unconscious habits born out of previous experience. Responses open the possibility of making thoughtful, conscious choices about how we want to live and what we want to set in motion. Remember, this entire bundle of Mercury/Neptune/Jupiter can fool almost everyone into thinking that projections are “real,” or it can help you to move through your illusions and delusions with a penetrating intuition that will help you to recognize reality.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:45:49 +0000

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