Every so often One comes on this earth and speaks Truth, saying - TopicsExpress


Every so often One comes on this earth and speaks Truth, saying that He who created the One created all. The messenger may be called Christ, Krishna, and Buddha. The label may be Allah, Brahman, Vishnu, or Shiva, it matters not. We must remember the message, not honor the messenger and worship him as the Almighty. They never claimed to be God. They came with simple messages. God loves you. Remember Him. Do your Duty. Enjoy. You have come to taste Gods Love. You have come to taste Gods Peace. You have come to live as One with God. God, all at the same time is the Creator, the Preserver, the Destroyer. Many people no longer want to speak the Word, God, yet it is the most wonderful word. It contains all form and name, yet remaining nameless and formless. The Christian speaks of sin and the devil, although Jesus came to speak of our Father, God, and His love for all His children. The Buddhist speaks of suffering and practices mental and physical exercises to escape from the body, while Buddha taught that God was beyond realization of the mind, and to live the royal noble middle path. The Hindus speak of austerity, penance, and karma, when Krishna said simply take refuge in God. The Jews speak of dietary laws and traditions while Moses said, ~God is one, love Him with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength. Dadaji says, God is within, no penance, no devotion, no Gurus, no meditations are necessary or required. God is already with you, do not worry. God is the easiest, the nearest, the dearest. God is chanting within you twenty-four hours each day. Truth is One, the same for all. All religion is superstition. How can it be Truth if it all claims to be the only way and is making a business out of God? It separates people, creates wars and conflicts. God does not know about Christians, Hindus, and Moslems. They are manmade. No caste, no religion, all are one in the same, brothers and sisters of the One Father and Mother. WE CAN DO NOTHING. GOD DOES ALL.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:44:46 +0000

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