Everybody has a right to their opinion, but let’s deal with - TopicsExpress


Everybody has a right to their opinion, but let’s deal with facts and unanswered questions here in Trayvon Martin Case. Some people are saying it is all about race it is NOT. Race, however is a factor in the equation. If you believe it doesn’t then you live in a fantasy world. Many have been harassed by the police, many have followed by security in the store, denied jobs, housing, and have no win in the justice system for no reason than other the color of their skin. So racism is alive and well. How many calls did Zimmerman make to the police about white suspects in the neighborhood? If he is so innocent why didn’t identify himself as the neighborhood watch instead following someone like a stranger danger? Who screams for help when you know you have the upper hand “the gun”? In this age of technology the voice could not be identified? In Florida alone a white woman killed her child and walked, A black woman got 20yrs for firing a warning shot in the air, A white man killed his wife’s known lover and used the stand your ground law for a defense and walked. TM a black teen got shot and his killer walked. This is just some examples, do some research on the internet and you will find many more stories just like these. So Yes Race was a factor. The other factor is he was a teen with bag of skittles and tea walking down the street which he had a right to do and he didn’t deserve to die and he his family deserves some justice, closure and peace. Why was that not the main reason argued in court? There are many who are saying why isn’t everyone just as upset about the black on black crime like they are about Trayvon Martin case? My answer is for one if the police have a suspect whether it’s the right person or not THEY WILL BE ARRESTED TRIED AND LOCKED UP AND THEY WOULD THROW AWAY THE KEY! This was not the case in TM case and there lies the difference. Reason number two who ever said that people are not upset about what is happening in our communities. I have seen many posts on fb, stories in magazines on the news about these incidents as well and while they didn’t get as much media coverage and feelings of outrage as TM they still matter they are still upsetting and yes we do need to do something to STOP THE VIOLENCE. But the TM case is not one of those cases people are mixing the issues here. I seen posts about we need to concentrate on being better parents and working more in the communities with the youth while all that is true, would that have stopped what happened to TM ? No it would not. Yes there are many incidents similar or maybe even the same as the TM case but sometimes it takes one person or incidence to make a difference. When Rosa Parks sat on that bus back in the sixties, which started the ball rolling in righting a wrong, was she the only person who couldn’t sit on the front of the bus? No she was not but it was her stand for justice that made the difference. Let TM be the first steps in securing justice not just for him but for all.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 15:31:29 +0000

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