Everyone and their brother is listing books that have either - TopicsExpress


Everyone and their brother is listing books that have either influenced them for good or sent them down the murky path of evil. Here are my top five: Chicken Catch a Tory - a cautionary tell-all book about some a frightened person who told Queen Elizabeth I that she was full if it. As the original queen of tarts, she smiled coyly as she sent the offending duke off to the Tower. Lust Beneath the Billboard During a Tornado - When two young people are caught in a hideous cyclone, they get turned on in spite of the risks to their lives and permanent records.. Damn Full Speed Ahead, There Are Torpedoes Out There - An alternative history about what may well have happened if David Farragut had wimped out during the Battle of Mobile Bay in 1964. Stalking the Tame Asparagus - Euell Gibbons evil twin writes about stealing from peoples gardens during the dead of night when crickets are chirping and nightjars are flying across the face of the worried moon. ISIS at the Gates of Hell - A contemporary fantasy about the fate of terrorism and caveman philosophies in the Middle East if the countries in the area had the guts to do something about the problem themselves.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:47:18 +0000

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