Everyone has a tolerance zone where they can sustain or endure a - TopicsExpress


Everyone has a tolerance zone where they can sustain or endure a relationship. If one partner becomes over supportive, the other can become bored and if they become over challenging the other can become burned out. Somewhere in between these two extreme boundaries lies the sustainable dynamic. An over supporter can breed juvenile dependency while and the over challenger can breed a precocious independence. Striking the balance is what allows for respect, newness and growth. The same for all other complementary opposites. Before throwing in the towel it is wise to ask quality questions that can rebalance the equation of love. If you see more similarities than differences in your partner and you are infatuated and highly supported then it is wise to ask yourself where are the differences that you are blind to. If you see more differences than similarities and you are resentful and highly challenged then it is wise to ask yourself where are the similarities that you are blind to. Do not stop asking for whatever balances out the equation to set you and them free from the labels of distorted perceptions. Dr John DeMartini
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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