Ex-employee of the FBI: for all acts of terrorism in Russia is the - TopicsExpress


Ex-employee of the FBI: for all acts of terrorism in Russia is the United States government 27.04.2014 Former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds disclosed the secret role of the USA in the preparation and carrying out of terrorist acts on the territory of Russia. Catching study the possible role of the Chechen al-Qaeda and mafia-political organization Farwest in the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the international edition recently met with a four-hour interview with former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds , which she gave to James Corbett - owner and master the famous American network transmission alternativschikov Corbet contango. This interview is in four parts were published in February, we also stumbled upon it only at the end of May, when the work on the second part of our study came to an end and was in the process of literary presentation. Our main hypothesis of the origin of 9-11 was the fact that the attacks of this magnitude and complexity could be conceived and organized only by secret agencies with extensive experience in such operations, and that the only known such a structure was an underground network, NATO code-named Gladio. In any case, since the network is called in Italy, and this name is now generally accepted in relation to NATOs network as a whole, with its headquarters in Brussels. American and British intelligence have started creating Gladio in the late 1940s with the assistance of Galen, which consisted of former Abwehr officers and other intelligence agencies of the Third Reich. Originally it included the Nazi cadres and their European collaborators. Later - the neo-Nazis and extreme right-wing groups. Official Gladio task was to organize a guerrilla war in case of capture of Western Europe by the Soviet army. But in the 50s Gladio was involved against the internal enemies of the ruling class: the communists, socialists and their sympathizers. Secrecy was that the existence of Gladio did not know many European leaders and even their interior ministers. Now we have already proved, including testimonies of former employees of the CIA and other intelligence agencies that the largest terrorist acts 70s-80s in Europe like the Bologna bombing or the murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was organized and carried out terrorist cells NATO as a so-called operation false flag. To do this with the help of Gladio, NATO members have created bogus communist and left organizations like the Red Brigades. These operations were intended to provide support for public opinion in the West to turn its political paradigm to the right, to the fact that since the mid-1980s became known as the conservative revolution and associated with the names of Reagan and Thatcher. Given the above facts, we have seen the most likely structure Gladio (hypothetical) organizer of the terrorist attacks of 9-11. This is indicated by another circumstance. The structure of American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, the value of which in the secret war against Russia, we underestimated, were many persons whose track record suggests their political or operational link with Gladio. Specifically about the organization and its members, we will write in the next releases. But as an example, we call such a figure as CIA veteran Paul Henze, who began his career as a scout-terrorists in Munich in 1952, where among postnatsistskih organizations involved CIA and NATO to fight against the Soviet Union, and was the organization of the Muslim SS legionnaires from the Central Asian and Caucasian regions USSR, grouped around the Islamic Center of Munich mosque. Organized jointly by the CIA staff of the Helena former specialists turkologists Rosenberg Ministry and leaders of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Gamal Nasser expelled, the mosque in Munich, was the birthplace of political Islamism in Europe. In the 70s Henze heading CIA in Turkey, where he produced a military coup by General Kenan Evren in 1980 Evren was the commander of the Turkish Gladio since its inception. The coup marked the beginning of reign of terror in Turkey when Evren was released from jail militants Turkism organization Grey Wolves. One of them, Mehmet Ali Agzha apparently which was part of a special unit of the Turkish Gladio, a year later was used for the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in Rome. Calculation was probably the fact that the murder of a Polish pope will cause a sharp deterioration of the situation in Poland and can help tsereushnoy Solidarity to come to power. CIA, NATO and Henze personally put a lot of effort to present this as an organized operation Gladio Bulgarians and Moscow. Henze even wrote a book about it. Turkish Henze moved to Washington and became an assistant to Brzezinski in the Carter administration. Recall that Brzezinski was the founder and co-chairman of the Chechen Committee. Simultaneously Henze headed classified interagency group on national. This group, which in addition to the higher ranks of the CIA and military intelligence were leading representatives of Oriental and Western figures like Richard Pipes, to develop strategies and tactics to undermine the Soviet Union with the help of his Muslim nations. We believe that this group has become the ideological predecessor strategic reversal that took place in the depths of NATO by the end of the 1990s. On it will be discussed below. In the meantime, finish with Henze. With the defeat of the Soviet Union, Henze is able to operate already on its former territory. In 1992 he worked in Chechnya under the guise of international observer group as its head. And it was in 1992, Osama bin Laden for the first time arrives in Grozny, according to Abubakar (Yasser Bechar) - CIA agent, the Turkish secret services and the Assistant General Dudayev. Finally, we find the indefatigable pensioner CIA Henze members of the Chechen Committee Brzezinski-General Haig since its inception in 1999, Haig himself was commander of NATO forces in the 1974-79 biennium., Vol. E. In the midst of activity obey him Gladio in Europe and Worldwide. Thus, the Hague, Henze and several other members of the Committee directly connecting it to a new stage of this branch of the secret war against the NATO post-Soviet Russia and the Central Asian republics of the former USSR. Such was our way of thinking before we listened to four-hour interview with Corbett Sybil Edmonds. Edmonds not only confirmed our hypothesis. It was first called the American government as the nerve center of the terrorist war against Russia. emphasize, not Saudi Arabia, not Pakistan or Turkey, and the United States. And this book is not carried out indirectly and flexibly as urged the Russian public general of the General Staff of the Russian Federation the late Anton Surikov, and directly . We will not tell any of the most Sybil Edmonds, nor about her testimony and revelations of 2008-2009. Both are reported in the Russian press of the time. Therefore, we just recommend the readers some of the articles and translations in the footnotes. They will discuss the latest revelations Edmonds after the publication of her book Secrecy Woman (2012). This book she published, under the ban of the Prosecutor General United States to disclose any information relating to its short service in the FBI and not giving his manuscript FBI for censorship. Sanctions by the authorities was not followed, and Edmonds, apparently, decided to go further. In an interview, she talked about Corbett to change the attitude of the authorities to expose their illegal activities. If in the early 2000s, they reacted strongly to these revelations by threats and repressive legislation in recent years to see the indifference to them by the public and, moreover, widely applauded for their actions, the governments attitude to its dissidents and truth-seekers has become quite indifferent. I think it says Edmonds, that if I made her revelations, not ten years ago, and today, the government and would not lift a finger to shut me up. Apparently, this desire to increase the popularity of its portal boilingfrogspost, perhaps the most radical and fearless of alternative journalism West, Edmonds and pushed for the latest sensational revelations secret policy of NATO and the American government. So, what Edmonds told in an interview with Corbett s chief operating Gladio base has always been Turkey and not Italy, as is often claimed in the historical literature. Hence, conducted operations in the Soviet Union and throughout the world, not to mention most of Turkey, where terror Gladio repeatedly exceeded all that was going on in Europe. Turkish Gladio was held in two groups. The first concerned the ultranationalist minded professional soldiers, intelligence officials and police. The second - the paramilitary forces of the criminal world under the leadership of Babasyev - the godfathers of organized criminal groups specializing in heroin trafficking and other international crimes. This elite criminal underworld of Turkey passed a special training in the United States, England and Belgium. This process led to a special branch of Gladio, NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The deal was mutually beneficial. Babasyev performed physical elimination of the left in Turkey and the terrorist operations under the false flag Communists and Kurds, as well as abroad. In exchange, they received from NATO roof for drug trafficking, and so on. N. As an example, Edmonds tells the story of one such women - Chatli Abdullah, who became known to the general public thanks to the susurlukskomu case Chatli 1996 was one of the key figures Turkish Gladio and moved freely around the world despite the fact that he was in the top ten most wanted criminals Interpol. His invulnerability was due to the roof of NATO. So valuable was this shot that NATO carried out an operation on his release from the Swiss jail with his helicopter. Chatli In 1993 led an unsuccessful operation on the Elimination of Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev. NATO officials did not trust Aliyev as too connected with Russia. It was decided to replace Aliyev more loyal figure. Azerbaijan to NATOs plans to be a priority. At the same time in parallel with the liquidation plan Aliyev, NATO troops conducted an operation to blackmail entourage and the Aliyev family. In this case, the Turkish Babasyev had no equal. Using the open border with Azerbaijan, they have opened in Baku several casinos for elite audience and put on a multi-million dollar debt hook influential members of the Aliyev family, then the Mafia began to threaten them with death for non-payment. As a result, Aliyev realized subtle hints and began to quickly change the orientation from Russia to NATO. A Chatli returned to its base in Chicago, and from there continued to conduct operations Gladio around the world, particularly in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China. So things went until 1996. This year is important in the testimony of Sybil Edmunds, as the main FBI investigation, in which she worked as a translator Turkish, started in 1996, This investigation was related to the activities of Turkish agents in the highest echelons of political power and military -Industrial complex United States. In 2001, when after 9-11 Edmonds from patriotic motives offered its services to the FBI, there was only one Turkish translator, was soon to be realized Edmonds, a Turkish agent. Edmonds passed through a huge amount of information the FBI intercepted, and its task was to determine what made sense to translate and what is not. This worked with the FBI counterintelligence Edmonds completely dependent on her. Therefore, the information for which Edmonds warrants refers to documents Turkish case in the hands of the FBI from 1996 to May 2002, when Edmonds was fired for his reports on corruption and espionage inside the FBI. According to Edmonds, in the period from 1994 to -96 years., in the shadow government of the West there is a debate about a fundamental reorientation of the secret war geopolitical before relying upon the neo-fascist circles and flow. NATO has decided that the experience of Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia has shown that the most promising avenue is the use of Islamism, especially that the main direction of the blow was Russia, with its Muslim population, Central Asia and the Uyghur region of China. Efficiency, power, mass, large style of political Islam dazzling NATO analysts. Old European neo-fascism and its last-Turkish outlived its usefulness. This pygmies compared with the rising Islam. Therefore, since 1996, begins reorganization old Gladio. Close (physically eliminated?) Or preserved its old European cell ultra-nationalists. (Here we disagree with Edmonds, as seen by the Gladio old school new role in Europe, one of the acts of which was the case of Breivik). As Gladio in Turkey, NATO radically reformat it using susurlukskogo scandal, when in November 1996 near the town Susurluk near Istanbul occurred car accident fatalities. Died who were traveling in the same car the godfather and the head of the Grey Wolves Chatli Abdullah, sought worldwide by Interpol for custom ubystva, deputy chief of police in Istanbul and an influential member of parliament for the Kurdish population. It was hard to imagine a more striking proof of complicity of the Turkish state in drug trafficking and terrorism. Were immediately withdrawn in the United States or Brussels representatives of the central Gladio in Turkey (Marc Grossman), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (Major Douglas Dickerson). In the United States, away from the scandal, and was sent to the head of the Turkish Gladio (counter-terrorist forces). Susurluk initiated the quiet revolution in Turkey, which resulted in the defeated secular neo-fascist elite military, intelligence and police, who constituted the backbone of the Turkish Gladio. In its place came the moderate Islamists. And the center of gravity of the sabotage operations was moved to the Turkish Islamist organization cult Gülen is headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA. CIA Gulen: returned from Turkey on his plane, saving him from arrest and true prison for propaganda against the secular nature of the Turkish state. In the USA Funds Gulen organization grew by leaps and bounds and now amount to 50 billion dollars. Hundreds of madrassas and mosques built by the organization in Central Asia and Russia became a hotbed of Salafism and a cover for CIA agents. For a spectacular career in the United States were Gulen Graham Fuller and a member of the Chechen Committee Morton Abramowitz, large dealers shadow politics United States and NATO. Fuller, orientalist and ideologist of the CIA lobbied rate of American foreign policy on political Islam, according to Edmonds, was a member of the task force Gladio-USA, to operate in Turkey in the 1990s - 2000s during a major terrorist attack on the territory of Russia. Fuller recently became known in Russia as the former father-in Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaeva, who led the Islamic Foundation in the United States, through which passed caucasian funding al-Qaeda. The registered office of the Fund was the home address of the Fuller. One of the interesting points in this part of the story is an escape Edmonds in Russia a number of high-ranking Turkish military involved in the investigation susurlukskogo scandal. In the face of long prison sentences and sanctions Washington to eliminate them, the old enemies of Russia ran to her escape. We believe that the sensational revelations Abubakar (Yasser Bechara) on Russian television about the secret NATO war in Chechnya (Plan Caucasus) were part of the payment for granting asylum Russian Turkish military waging this war. Operation Gladio: Plan B For the FBI, working with Edmonds , called the new reformatted Gladio, finally prevailing in the war for domination of NATO in the Balkans. One of the central figures of the Plan B - Ayman Zawahiri, Osama receiver, which is considered an ideologue 9-11 terrorist attacks. As Chatli Zawahiri enjoys amazing freedom of movement, including a trip to the United States, and magical invulnerability in the world all-seeing and all-hearing of the American global surveillance. Zawahiri is constantly present in the FBI files from the mid 90s. Struggle in Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan. In Bulgaria, it is in contact with both the representatives of the Turkish Gladio, and with the central office of NATO. In Baku, Zawahiri has repeatedly met with American military attaches and representatives of Turkish and American branches of NATO. At one of these meetings, there are high-ranking Saudis from the embassy in Washington, CA: CA intelligence chief in the United States and the high rank of the embassy. Their names Edmonds does not dare to call it. Edmonds emphasizes that Zawahiri relations with NATO are in-service. It even specifies conditional Zawahiri as a commission of lieutenant colonel. We are not talking about a temporary coincidence of interests of NATO and the jihadists, not a mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships, and about Zawahiri and his circle as part of a NATO service. Zawahiri is directly subordinate to certain factions of government the United States and NATO. It is a special unit of NATO, which includes Turkey and, believe it or not - Romania. Of particular interest to us presented Edmonds story about the arrest of Zawahiri and his companions on the Chechen-Dagestani border in December 1996, his six-month stay in Makhachkala prison, wonderful liberation and meeting with NATO in Baku. This episode is one of the key themes for Farwest and Caucasian al-Qaida with access to the perspective of 9-11. The fact that they know our older readers, a special role in this story with Zawahiri has played a former officer of the General Staff of Ministry of Defense of the USSR / Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, General and Head of the Chechen illegal intelligence Kadyrov Ruslan Saidov (Sadullaev), who is also co-owner of a private intelligence of Far West LLTS. Within a few years Saidov was also a prolific writer of the left portal forum.msk.ru, whose owner and editor Anatoly Baranov also a shareholder of Far West LLTS. According to several sources, and the words of the Saidov, he organized the release of Zawahiri and his two companions - the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Azerbaijan. Continuation of this story says Edmonds. Back in Baku, Zawahiri met with high-ranking officers of NATO and the United States intelligence agencies in the room of the American military attache. Well discuss this in more detail in subsequent issues of the episode. Edmonds gives interesting information about the Afghan drug trafficking. According to her, the Taliban, in contrast to popular belief, never stopped heroin production in the country. But the numbers were an order of magnitude lower than today. At the same time, 80 percent of Afghan heroin trafficking controlled Russia. Participants in drug production and trafficking in Edmonds called Russian mafia, military and intelligence agencies. This evidence coincides with our data on the role of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the production and transportation of Afghan heroin sales in Europe and partly in Russian. We understand that this was part of the board for supporting Yeltsin generals in a coup in 1993, and loyalty to the restoration of capitalism and the collapse of the army as a whole. Drug Trafficking Defense Ministry, is hundreds of tons of purified heroin per year (see. Statistics Farwest drug trafficking) was legally protected Yeltsins secret decree. But the 2001 attacks put an end to the generals raspberries and its Kremlin penkosnimatelyam. According to Edmonds, after 9-11 and occupation of Afghanistan, NATO is becoming a major controller of Afghan heroin, while the share of Russian drops almost to zero. In this case, with American efficiency and effectiveness in the production of Afghan heroin increased by hundreds of times and becomes a factor in the geopolitical struggle, and the means of salvation of the Western economy and the banking system. If 9-11 was the work of Gladio B, it is difficult to imagine a more effective return on a special operation false flag. And finally, most importantly. Several times during the interview and in subsequent speeches, Edmonds said the same phrase, emphasizing every word: For every major terrorist act in Russia from 1996 to May 2002 stood the United States government. Recall that restricts Edmonds American terror against Russia May 2002 only because he considers himself the right to speak only on the basis of the documents to which she had access to his dismissal in May 2002. Can we conclude that after this date, the American government decided to stop, and that it was not relevant Dubrovka and Beslan to? During his interviews Edmonds expressed surprise that the Russian, having a lot of evidence of the leading role of NATO and the United States in the terrorist war against Russia, continue to remain silent, refusing to disclose this information. She also expressed the hope that these interviews will be known in Russia, and that there will understand that in the USA there are journalists willing to publish such information. NATO officials did not trust Aliyev as too connected with Russia. It was decided to replace Aliyev more loyal figure. Azerbaijan to NATOs plans to be a priority. At the same time in parallel with the liquidation plan Aliyev, NATO troops conducted an operation to blackmail entourage and the Aliyev family. In this case, the Turkish Babasyev had no equal. Using the open border with Azerbaijan, they have opened in Baku several casinos for elite audience and put on a multi-million dollar debt hook influential members of the Aliyev family, then the Mafia began to threaten them with death for non-payment. As a result, Aliyev realized subtle hints and began to quickly change the orientation from Russia to NATO. A Chatli returned to its base in Chicago, and from there continued to conduct operations Gladio around the world, particularly in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China. So things went until 1996. This year is important in the testimony of Sybil Edmunds, as the main FBI investigation, in which she worked as a translator Turkish, started in 1996, This investigation was related to the activities of Turkish agents in the highest echelons of political power and military -Industrial complex United States. In 2001, when after 9-11 Edmonds from patriotic motives offered its services to the FBI, there was only one Turkish translator, was soon to be realized Edmonds, a Turkish agent. Edmonds passed through a huge amount of information the FBI intercepted, and its task was to determine what made sense to translate and what is not. This worked with the FBI counterintelligence Edmonds completely dependent on her. Therefore, the information for which Edmonds warrants refers to documents Turkish case in the hands of the FBI from 1996 to May 2002, when Edmonds was fired for his reports on corruption and espionage inside the FBI. According to Edmonds, in the period from 1994 to -96 years., in the shadow government of the West there is a debate about a fundamental reorientation of the secret war geopolitical before relying upon the neo-fascist circles and flow. NATO has decided that the experience of Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia has shown that the most promising avenue is the use of Islamism, especially that the main direction of the blow was Russia, with its Muslim population, Central Asia and the Uyghur region of China. Efficiency, power, mass, large style of political Islam dazzling NATO analysts. Old European neo-fascism and its last-Turkish outlived its usefulness. This pygmies compared with the rising Islam. Therefore, since 1996, begins reorganization old Gladio. Close (physically eliminated?) Or preserved its old European cell ultra-nationalists. (Here we disagree with Edmonds, as seen by the Gladio old school new role in Europe, one of the acts of which was the case of Breivik). As Gladio in Turkey, NATO radically reformat it using susurlukskogo scandal, when in November 1996 near the town Susurluk near Istanbul occurred car accident fatalities. Died who were traveling in the same car the godfather and the head of the Grey Wolves Chatli Abdullah, sought worldwide by Interpol for custom ubystva, deputy chief of police in Istanbul and an influential member of parliament for the Kurdish population. It was hard to imagine a more striking proof of complicity of the Turkish state in drug trafficking and terrorism. Were immediately withdrawn in the United States or Brussels representatives of the central Gladio in Turkey (Marc Grossman), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (Major Douglas Dickerson). In the United States, away from the scandal, and was sent to the head of the Turkish Gladio (counter-terrorist forces). Susurluk initiated the quiet revolution in Turkey, which resulted in the defeated secular neo-fascist elite military, intelligence and police, who constituted the backbone of the Turkish Gladio. In its place came the moderate Islamists. And the center of gravity of the sabotage operations was moved to the Turkish Islamist organization cult Gülen is headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA. CIA Gulen: returned from Turkey on his plane, saving him from arrest and true prison for propaganda against the secular nature of the Turkish state. In the USA Funds Gulen organization grew by leaps and bounds and now amount to 50 billion dollars. Hundreds of madrassas and mosques built by the organization in Central Asia and Russia became a hotbed of Salafism and a cover for CIA agents. For a spectacular career in the United States were Gulen Graham Fuller and a member of the Chechen Committee Morton Abramowitz, large dealers shadow politics United States and NATO. Fuller, orientalist and ideologist of the CIA lobbied rate of American foreign policy on political Islam, according to Edmonds, was a member of the task force Gladio-USA, to operate in Turkey in the 1990s - 2000s during a major terrorist attack on the territory of Russia. Fuller recently became known in Russia as the former father-in Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaeva, who led the Islamic Foundation in the United States, through which passed caucasian funding al-Qaeda. The registered office of the Fund was the home address of the Fuller. One of the interesting points in this part of the story is an escape Edmonds in Russia a number of high-ranking Turkish military involved in the investigation susurlukskogo scandal. In the face of long prison sentences and sanctions Washington to eliminate them, the old enemies of Russia ran to her escape. We believe that the sensational revelations Abubakar (Yasser Bechara) on Russian television about the secret NATO war in Chechnya (Plan Caucasus) were part of the payment for granting asylum Russian Turkish military waging this war. Operation Gladio: Plan B For the FBI, working with Edmonds , called the new reformatted Gladio, finally prevailing in the war for domination of NATO in the Balkans. One of the central figures of the Plan B - Ayman Zawahiri, Osama receiver, which is considered an ideologue 9-11 terrorist attacks. As Chatli Zawahiri enjoys amazing freedom of movement, including a trip to the United States, and magical invulnerability in the world all-seeing and all-hearing of the American global surveillance. Zawahiri is constantly present in the FBI files from the mid 90s. Struggle in Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan. In Bulgaria, it is in contact with both the representatives of the Turkish Gladio, and with the central office of NATO. In Baku, Zawahiri has repeatedly met with American military attaches and representatives of Turkish and American branches of NATO. At one of these meetings, there are high-ranking Saudis from the embassy in Washington, CA: CA intelligence chief in the United States and the high rank of the embassy. Their names Edmonds does not dare to call it. Edmonds emphasizes that Zawahiri relations with NATO are in-service. It even specifies conditional Zawahiri as a commission of lieutenant colonel. We are not talking about a temporary coincidence of interests of NATO and the jihadists, not a mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships, and about Zawahiri and his circle as part of a NATO service. Zawahiri is directly subordinate to certain factions of government the United States and NATO. It is a special unit of NATO, which includes Turkey and, believe it or not - Romania. Of particular interest to us presented Edmonds story about the arrest of Zawahiri and his companions on the Chechen-Dagestani border in December 1996, his six-month stay in Makhachkala prison, wonderful liberation and meeting with NATO in Baku. This episode is one of the key themes for Farwest and Caucasian al-Qaida with access to the perspective of 9-11. The fact that they know our older readers, a special role in this story with Zawahiri has played a former officer of the General Staff of Ministry of Defense of the USSR / Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, General and Head of the Chechen illegal intelligence Kadyrov Ruslan Saidov (Sadullaev), who is also co-owner of a private intelligence of Far West LLTS. Within a few years Saidov was also a prolific writer of the left portal forum.msk.ru, whose owner and editor Anatoly Baranov also a shareholder of Far West LLTS. According to several sources, and the words of the Saidov, he organized the release of Zawahiri and his two companions - the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Azerbaijan. Continuation of this story says Edmonds. Back in Baku, Zawahiri met with high-ranking officers of NATO and the United States intelligence agencies in the room of the American military attache. Well discuss this in more detail in subsequent issues of the episode. Edmonds gives interesting information about the Afghan drug trafficking. According to her, the Taliban, in contrast to popular belief, never stopped heroin production in the country. But the numbers were an order of magnitude lower than today. At the same time, 80 percent of Afghan heroin trafficking controlled Russia. Participants in drug production and trafficking in Edmonds called Russian mafia, military and intelligence agencies. This evidence coincides with our data on the role of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the production and transportation of Afghan heroin sales in Europe and partly in Russian. We understand that this was part of the board for supporting Yeltsin generals in a coup in 1993, and loyalty to the restoration of capitalism and the collapse of the army as a whole. Drug Trafficking Defense Ministry, is hundreds of tons of purified heroin per year (see. Statistics Farwest drug trafficking) was legally protected Yeltsins secret decree. But the 2001 attacks put an end to the generals raspberries and its Kremlin penkosnimatelyam. According to Edmonds, after 9-11 and occupation of Afghanistan, NATO is becoming a major controller of Afghan heroin, while the share of Russian drops almost to zero. In this case, with American efficiency and effectiveness in the production of Afghan heroin increased by hundreds of times and becomes a factor in the geopolitical struggle, and the means of salvation of the Western economy and the banking system. If 9-11 was the work of Gladio B, it is difficult to imagine a more effective return on a special operation false flag. And finally, most importantly. Several times during the interview and in subsequent speeches, Edmonds said the same phrase, emphasizing every word: For every major terrorist act in Russia from 1996 to May 2002 stood the United States government. Recall that restricts Edmonds American terror against Russia May 2002 only because he considers himself the right to speak only on the basis of the documents to which she had access to his dismissal in May 2002. Can we conclude that after this date, the American government decided to stop, and that it was not relevant Dubrovka and Beslan to? During his interviews Edmonds expressed surprise that the Russian, having a lot of evidence of the leading role of NATO and the United States in the terrorist war against Russia, continue to remain silent, refusing to disclose this information. She also expressed the hope that these interviews will be known in Russia, and that there will understand that in the USA there are journalists willing to publish such information. NATO officials did not trust Aliyev as too connected with Russia. It was decided to replace Aliyev more loyal figure. Azerbaijan to NATOs plans to be a priority. At the same time in parallel with the liquidation plan Aliyev, NATO troops conducted an operation to blackmail entourage and the Aliyev family. In this case, the Turkish Babasyev had no equal. Using the open border with Azerbaijan, they have opened in Baku several casinos for elite audience and put on a multi-million dollar debt hook influential members of the Aliyev family, then the Mafia began to threaten them with death for non-payment. As a result, Aliyev realized subtle hints and began to quickly change the orientation from Russia to NATO. A Chatli returned to its base in Chicago, and from there continued to conduct operations Gladio around the world, particularly in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China. So things went until 1996. This year is important in the testimony of Sybil Edmunds, as the main FBI investigation, in which she worked as a translator Turkish, started in 1996, This investigation was related to the activities of Turkish agents in the highest echelons of political power and military -Industrial complex United States. In 2001, when after 9-11 Edmonds from patriotic motives offered its services to the FBI, there was only one Turkish translator, was soon to be realized Edmonds, a Turkish agent. Edmonds passed through a huge amount of information the FBI intercepted, and its task was to determine what made sense to translate and what is not. This worked with the FBI counterintelligence Edmonds completely dependent on her. Therefore, the information for which Edmonds warrants refers to documents Turkish case in the hands of the FBI from 1996 to May 2002, when Edmonds was fired for his reports on corruption and espionage inside the FBI. According to Edmonds, in the period from 1994 to -96 years., in the shadow government of the West there is a debate about a fundamental reorientation of the secret war geopolitical before relying upon the neo-fascist circles and flow. NATO has decided that the experience of Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia has shown that the most promising avenue is the use of Islamism, especially that the main direction of the blow was Russia, with its Muslim population, Central Asia and the Uyghur region of China. Efficiency, power, mass, large style of political Islam dazzling NATO analysts. Old European neo-fascism and its last-Turkish outlived its usefulness. This pygmies compared with the rising Islam. Therefore, since 1996, begins reorganization old Gladio. Close (physically eliminated?) Or preserved its old European cell ultra-nationalists. (Here we disagree with Edmonds, as seen by the Gladio old school new role in Europe, one of the acts of which was the case of Breivik). As Gladio in Turkey, NATO radically reformat it using susurlukskogo scandal, when in November 1996 near the town Susurluk near Istanbul occurred car accident fatalities. Died who were traveling in the same car the godfather and the head of the Grey Wolves Chatli Abdullah, sought worldwide by Interpol for custom ubystva, deputy chief of police in Istanbul and an influential member of parliament for the Kurdish population. It was hard to imagine a more striking proof of complicity of the Turkish state in drug trafficking and terrorism. Were immediately withdrawn in the United States or Brussels representatives of the central Gladio in Turkey (Marc Grossman), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (Major Douglas Dickerson). In the United States, away from the scandal, and was sent to the head of the Turkish Gladio (counter-terrorist forces). Susurluk initiated the quiet revolution in Turkey, which resulted in the defeated secular neo-fascist elite military, intelligence and police, who constituted the backbone of the Turkish Gladio. In its place came the moderate Islamists. And the center of gravity of the sabotage operations was moved to the Turkish Islamist organization cult Gülen is headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA. CIA Gulen: returned from Turkey on his plane, saving him from arrest and true prison for propaganda against the secular nature of the Turkish state. In the USA Funds Gulen organization grew by leaps and bounds and now amount to 50 billion dollars. Hundreds of madrassas and mosques built by the organization in Central Asia and Russia became a hotbed of Salafism and a cover for CIA agents. For a spectacular career in the United States were Gulen Graham Fuller and a member of the Chechen Committee Morton Abramowitz, large dealers shadow politics United States and NATO. Fuller, orientalist and ideologist of the CIA lobbied rate of American foreign policy on political Islam, according to Edmonds, was a member of the task force Gladio-USA, to operate in Turkey in the 1990s - 2000s during a major terrorist attack on the territory of Russia. Fuller recently became known in Russia as the former father-in Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaeva, who led the Islamic Foundation in the United States, through which passed caucasian funding al-Qaeda. The registered office of the Fund was the home address of the Fuller. One of the interesting points in this part of the story is an escape Edmonds in Russia a number of high-ranking Turkish military involved in the investigation susurlukskogo scandal. In the face of long prison sentences and sanctions Washington to eliminate them, the old enemies of Russia ran to her escape. We believe that the sensational revelations Abubakar (Yasser Bechara) on Russian television about the secret NATO war in Chechnya (Plan Caucasus) were part of the payment for granting asylum Russian Turkish military waging this war. Operation Gladio: Plan B For the FBI, working with Edmonds , called the new reformatted Gladio, finally prevailing in the war for domination of NATO in the Balkans. One of the central figures of the Plan B - Ayman Zawahiri, Osama receiver, which is considered an ideologue 9-11 terrorist attacks. As Chatli Zawahiri enjoys amazing freedom of movement, including a trip to the United States, and magical invulnerability in the world all-seeing and all-hearing of the American global surveillance. Zawahiri is constantly present in the FBI files from the mid 90s. Struggle in Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan. In Bulgaria, it is in contact with both the representatives of the Turkish Gladio, and with the central office of NATO. In Baku, Zawahiri has repeatedly met with American military attaches and representatives of Turkish and American branches of NATO. At one of these meetings, there are high-ranking Saudis from the embassy in Washington, CA: CA intelligence chief in the United States and the high rank of the embassy. Their names Edmonds does not dare to call it. Edmonds emphasizes that Zawahiri relations with NATO are in-service. It even specifies conditional Zawahiri as a commission of lieutenant colonel. We are not talking about a temporary coincidence of interests of NATO and the jihadists, not a mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships, and about Zawahiri and his circle as part of a NATO service. Zawahiri is directly subordinate to certain factions of government the United States and NATO. It is a special unit of NATO, which includes Turkey and, believe it or not - Romania. Of particular interest to us presented Edmonds story about the arrest of Zawahiri and his companions on the Chechen-Dagestani border in December 1996, his six-month stay in Makhachkala prison, wonderful liberation and meeting with NATO in Baku. This episode is one of the key themes for Farwest and Caucasian al-Qaida with access to the perspective of 9-11. The fact that they know our older readers, a special role in this story with Zawahiri has played a former officer of the General Staff of Ministry of Defense of the USSR / Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, General and Head of the Chechen illegal intelligence Kadyrov Ruslan Saidov (Sadullaev), who is also co-owner of a private intelligence of Far West LLTS. Within a few years Saidov was also a prolific writer of the left portal forum.msk.ru, whose owner and editor Anatoly Baranov also a shareholder of Far West LLTS. According to several sources, and the words of the Saidov, he organized the release of Zawahiri and his two companions - the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Azerbaijan. Continuation of this story says Edmonds. Back in Baku, Zawahiri met with high-ranking officers of NATO and the United States intelligence agencies in the room of the American military attache. Well discuss this in more detail in subsequent issues of the episode. Edmonds gives interesting information about the Afghan drug trafficking. According to her, the Taliban, in contrast to popular belief, never stopped heroin production in the country. But the numbers were an order of magnitude lower than today. At the same time, 80 percent of Afghan heroin trafficking controlled Russia. Participants in drug production and trafficking in Edmonds called Russian mafia, military and intelligence agencies. This evidence coincides with our data on the role of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the production and transportation of Afghan heroin sales in Europe and partly in Russian. We understand that this was part of the board for supporting Yeltsin generals in a coup in 1993, and loyalty to the restoration of capitalism and the collapse of the army as a whole. Drug Trafficking Defense Ministry, is hundreds of tons of purified heroin per year (see. Statistics Farwest drug trafficking) was legally protected Yeltsins secret decree. But the 2001 attacks put an end to the generals raspberries and its Kremlin penkosnimatelyam. According to Edmonds, after 9-11 and occupation of Afghanistan, NATO is becoming a major controller of Afghan heroin, while the share of Russian drops almost to zero. In this case, with American efficiency and effectiveness in the production of Afghan heroin increased by hundreds of times and becomes a factor in the geopolitical struggle, and the means of salvation of the Western economy and the banking system. If 9-11 was the work of Gladio B, it is difficult to imagine a more effective return on a special operation false flag. And finally, most importantly. Several times during the interview and in subsequent speeches, Edmonds said the same phrase, emphasizing every word: For every major terrorist act in Russia from 1996 to May 2002 stood the United States government. Recall that restricts Edmonds American terror against Russia May 2002 only because he considers himself the right to speak only on the basis of the documents to which she had access to his dismissal in May 2002. Can we conclude that after this date, the American government decided to stop, and that it was not relevant Dubrovka and Beslan to? During his interviews Edmonds expressed surprise that the Russian, having a lot of evidence of the leading role of NATO and the United States in the terrorist war against Russia, continue to remain silent, refusing to disclose this information. She also expressed the hope that these interviews will be known in Russia, and that there will understand that in the USA there are journalists willing to publish such information.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:04:18 +0000

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