Examining our self to see if we are confrontable Proverbs - TopicsExpress


Examining our self to see if we are confrontable Proverbs 9:7-9 says, Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. Unsafe, and unwise people become defensive, make excuses, and attack when confronted. But, a safe person will be interested in doing what is right, rather than in their need to be right. This kind of person is a person others are safe to confront. We are told in scriptures to rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. If you instruct a wise man, he will be wiser still...teach a righteous man, and he will add to his learning. We all need to be open to rebuke by others as it helps us change destructive patterns in our life. Confrontation hurts us, but in the long run, it helps us if we are willing to own what is wrong. Humility is a great virtue for people desiring to be righteous. Pride and anger will stand in our way of necessary change. We must always keep in mind where we came from, and not raise our opinion of self above anyone else. Are you open to others exposing your flaws in a meek and loving way? And, are you willing to ask the Holy set apart Spirit to shine his light up-on the dark areas of your heart, and expose the sins, and hidden behaviors and thoughts which need to be rooted out? True repentance is where we are willing to turn and go a new way! The work of sanctification is a long, and painful task, and yet produces the image of Abba in us, so it is vital to our spiritual walk. As God for an internal desire to be righteous, and to remove any resistance to your growth of a Godly character. May you grow in grace, and finish the race set before you!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:43:47 +0000

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