Excluding the army and the navy, slavic people also have another - TopicsExpress


Excluding the army and the navy, slavic people also have another ally - the frost, Father Frost. And where the others begin to freeze, we are living. Train outside in the open the whole year around, take your kids with you, be strong, be unbeatable Responsibility – is the key word in the life of a real man! A man should not wait a separate invitation to find himself a job! The protection and the future of his family – are his main motivation. Lazily sitting around without applying yourself, while getting by because of others and hoping for changes for the better – this is not how a man is meant to live. When you are living a filthy way of life, when you are compelled to multiple weak habits - your quality as a breadwinner and protector suffers, you will never be able to show a strong example , you are acting as a traitor not only in relation to your future , but also to the future of your loved ones. The example you show – is the main example. A real man trains, throws away any doubts and weaknesses. No one ever listens to a weak man, who only says that you need to live properly , without showing so. Without a strong will and self-discipline it is difficult to reach success. Throw away all the unnecessary and follow only those habits that discipline and strengthen your will. Form proper habits in your everyday life, your nutrition, in relation to your body and intellect. Everything derives from your head. You will achieve stronger results on what you concentrate on with your mental strength. If you are constantly contemplating on garbage and weaknesses – you will empower the trash. A real man empowers with his strength his dreams and the future of his children, he reflects on their development and their opportunities and never about weaknesses and doubts.In a healthy body exists a strong immune system that fights diseases. A strong, bright, responsible man lives so that around him the right mood, desires and aspirations are created. With his life, with his personal development he heals all of society, because of him all of society becomes stronger. It is not manly to wait for someone else who will do everything to improve your life and the life of society as a whole. Do everything yourself, be a healthy cell in the body of society. The more healthy cells there are - the healthier is the entire organism. We were created to do great things, not just exist. Staying healthy is what we should be doing by default, to change the world for the better. Father Frosts try to live life by these rules. We reject weakness and idleness, and accept strength and self improvement. Ask yourself – what are you doing yourself, to live in a healthy society, where the honor of women is protected, where children receive a proper and a healthy upbringing, where a man is worth his word.In a society where children respect their parents, where irresponsibility is despised and where it is impossible to be weak. Brotherhood, fellowship and friendship are the correct responses to hostility and malice! Train through Father Frost Mode! Правильным людям - правильный Дедушка Мороз. Через стремление встретить Новый год сильно, без праздности - обрети желание проживать сильно и круто каждый день в году, как и подобает настоящему мужчине. А мы посодействуем! Настоящий дедушка не приходит к пьяному застолью, где половина людей спит в салате, а остальные танцуют под вопли эстрады. Настоящий Дедушка приходит к людям с сильными устремлениями, в правильном месте, в правильное время. Он помогает им своим примером, мотивирует на великие дела, дает сил для серьезной и ответственной работы. Дедушка Мороз силен, здоров, одним своим видом заставляет забыть про лень и праздность. Но он приходит только к тем, кто сам хочет наделять свою жизнь силой и ответственностью. Так какого Дедушку ждешь на этот новый год ты?Дедушки подают сильный правильный пример, а что делаешь ты??? Ролик снят при поддержке WHITE REX white-rex подписывайся на группу ВКонтакте vk/whiterexduhvoina▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ А так же на нашу группу ВКонтакте vk/14po_programme_deda_moroza88▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ !!! на наш канал на ютубе youtube/user/PDM1488!! и страничку в Фэйс буке https://facebook/pages/PPDM-X-Straight-Edge-X..
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:15:42 +0000

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