Exodus: Gods and Kings A new Ridley Scott movie based on the - TopicsExpress


Exodus: Gods and Kings A new Ridley Scott movie based on the life of Moses, with Christian Bale as the lead? Im there. I havent been this stoked for a bible flick since the Noah Movie. I also predict mass Facebook rioting--chiding the movie for not sticking to the book of Exodus exactly. Because, as we all know, a movie *must* follow the book down to the minutest detail. And Im pretty sure that if that book happens to be the bible then any detail overlooked is basically the same as murder. But in all seriousness--prepare for this movie to not follow the bible exactly. It might not follow it at all. It might butcher it. Theyll probably portray Moses as super-flaboya-gay and Pharaoh as the good guy and Aaron sipping a Coca-Cola, all while inserting propaganda for the Keystone pipeline with the movie ending in a huge dance battle for street cred ala West Side Story. But guess what? That. Is. Fine. Seriously. Its fine. Ridley Scott is not the guy that made the Courageous Movie (which I think went on to win about 200 Christian Academy Awards). The world has its liberty to butcher, skewer, and distort the bible all it wants and we dont really have the right to act offended if they do. I say, rather than *complain* about it, *talk* about it. Bring it up to a friend. Ask em if theyre gonna see it. Ask them if theyve read the book of Exodus. Im willing to bet that everyone that is going to see this movie, Christian or non, knows it isnt going to follow the book exactly and would leave the theater at least SLIGHTLY asking themselves I wonder whats actually in the book... Hopefully then we can give them a loving and truthful answer. But if all they hear is protest then that conversational door is probably closed, my friend. But then again, Mr. Scott may follow it after all, ala The Prince of Egypt. In which case--thats cool too.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:53:00 +0000

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