Experiencial Learning - Why Anubhuti Programme? Its a unique - TopicsExpress


Experiencial Learning - Why Anubhuti Programme? Its a unique training programme which involves physical, mental or intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual dynamics, a holistic approach to Learning. You will experience a variety of physical, mental, obstacles which will provide reflective opportunity to learn. You face challenges to learning unlimited. Anubhuti is also process of Self Renewal, Rejuvenation. Liberating people, motivating people to higher level of trust and understanding to perform as an effective team. Anubhuti Self Realization in the power of human mind. Anubhuti is empowering people and organizations to increase their potential becoming personally and professionally effective to perform better. It has motivated few hundred individuals and organizations to solve personal, professional problem through its experiential learning process. Anubhuti focuses on HERE & NOW and provides a platform for interaction at experiential levels. Facilitator guides the process most of the time to control the limited time factor and achieve effective group results. Anubhuti supported by nature creates Abundance Mentality there is plenty out there for everybody. Participants feel secure, higher level of trust and openness is seen and experienced. To Work on Self Esteem,Self confidence environment is created, motivates participate in the flow, by being human, simple,natural, allows creative energy to come out, inside outside becomes ONE. Participants are encouraged about the importance of physical health. Physical well-being which increases self confidence, self esteem. Regular Exercises,balanced diet, relaxation and rest manages the stress effectively. Stretching exercises is sufficient for office goers walking, trekking, rock climbing moves legs muscles and supply more blood to the heart making it stronger. Warming up exercises dissipates lactic acid and so you dont feel sore and stiff. Regularity strengthens muscles, which improves skills and strength. All benefit of exercises comes at the very end. And that doesnt happen until muscle fiber ruptures and the nerve fiber registers pain. Then nature over compensates and within 48 hours the fiber is made stronger. Essence is regularity. Rock Climber: Builds endurance, flexibility and strength. Spiritual: Discovering connections, establishing new ones, inspirations, intuition, remaining centered, balanced. Meditation through Vipashayana. Spiritual renewal takes investment of time. Communion with nature: Spending the day where one is happiest as a child. Enjoying harmony with nature. Remove tensions, worries, get relaxed. Mental Development: We let our minds atrophy. There is a need to think analytical, explore new subjects, need to write, critically get examined and tested. Safety (first) Emotional as well as physical safety is basic for effective work in team. Trust Trust needs to be developed. Varieties of trust building activities. Experience through interactive and experiential activities and problem solving skills. More openness and creativity - by exercises related to real life. Accountability: Group members see each other, facilitator, working together at campsite, transparent behaviour is demonstrated. Stewardship: Managing self, self discipline approach to learning, there is no hierarchy and every member becomes more friendly as they have frequent opportunity of interactions which is not possible in walls, office setup. Spontaneous feedback by experiencing learning and reflections. Fun & Motivation: By interactive games. Fun seriously. The ability to laugh together increases motivation. Creating awareness of physical, intellectual, health, emotional well being through outward bound training. The Academic sessions motivates participants to empowerment. It helps to raise commitment above working standards.Learn to work more effectively together while having fun. Continuous results by physical and emotional involvement and follow up. Conflict reflection & constructive feedback are essentials of every part of the programme. Immediate consequences of behaviour by real tasks. Communication active listening, constructive feedback, openness, two-way communication. Communication ability by creative problem solving acivities to be done by the group as a whole. Human values Transparency in our work gives them more confidence in trust building, cooperation,affection, empathy, discipline, respect for others. Teamwork tasks done by constructive cooperation and interactive help. Learn to work as a team. At the core of successful organization is a team, a team whose members understands and trust each other. Anubhuti training profoundly affects each individual personally and professionally. It adds power to your skills. Activities create significant values in Leadership and team development. Goals and visions To follow the same track require common vision & commitment. Anubhuti helps clarify. Success orientation coordinated planning, active contribution, creative problem solving, will be promoted by concrete and realistic tasks. Experiential Methods Experienced members develop relationships. The results are seen on their faces. Reflection is the best chance for change and continuous improvement. Every one has opportunity to identify individual and team goals. Anubhuti creates a stimulating environment, with unique curriculum, participants are gradually challenged and motivated to view themselves as increasingly capable and competent. Participants moves outside their comfort zones and gain powerful insights to personal leadership and discover ways to work differently, effectively together. At Anubhuti practice field is created for you to hone and enhance your new skills and behaviours. Redefine your limits with Anubhuti.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:10:01 +0000

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