F ,YA THIS IS IT!! ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. This (LEGACY X) becomes incredible because of YOU. Have you ever wanted to feel like you were apart of a movement, a real movement, one that actually makes a difference, its here, for real. Let me put it this way, this is a chance to help others, to PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY execute CHANGE! with every post, every achievement, every new person, every overcome obstacle, every smiling face we get further along the marathon that we have embarked on. How do you get involved? easy, just get involved, there is no sign up, there is no wizard behind a curtain wearing a suit and ringing up dollar signs. This isnt BS this isnt a CULT this isnt some sales scheme this is REAL people inspiring REAL people, humanity on steroids,with love and enrichment all around. Served up on a dinner plate for us all to eat from. If you are someone who is NEW to what we are doing, welcome WE NEED YOU. If you are a veteran THANK YOU for being involved, with every bit of energy you give towards LX we continue to come up with the ideas that ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. How frigging cool is this? a real difference, from coast to coast and over seas we are spreading, we are inspiring, we are building. This wont stop it will only continue to explained, and why? because the earth needs PEOPLE LIKE YOU! not like ME, LIKE YOU! people that are here and care, and arent afraid to rise up to there own challenges and carry someone through theres. NOBODY in Legacy X is better then someone else! NOBODY!... I have watched so many of you accomplish and conquer,... So many of you do things you havent done in ages or ever. I am honored to be a small part of this growing circle with each of you! These are words from the heart I hope you cherish them with yours!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 03:49:36 +0000

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