FAITH You cannot be too well instructed in your FAITH. It is so - TopicsExpress


FAITH You cannot be too well instructed in your FAITH. It is so profound, it will repay a lifetime of study. It is so beautiful and consoling; it will fill you with happiness and delight. Your FAITH unlocks the door to many mysteries. It tells you about life, about nature, about your body, your soul, about God. Do not think that unbelievers and scoffers have ever gained any victories against your FAITH. They have never disproved any of its teaching, and never will. They and their shallow reasonings and their beautiful theories pass away- and the FAITH remains. Only God can teach you about you yourself and the world about. Because God made you and all other things. He alone understands you, and your beginnings and your sublime destiny. Only God can draw back the curtain and reveal Himself. Your FAITH is the voice of God. He speaks to you through His Son and through His Church. How your heart should leap within you when you reflect that it is God Himself Who teaches you. If you will listen to Him, you will be very wise indeed. If you will follow Him, you will never go astray. You wish to be saved:-Your FAITH will teach you how you can make certain of it. How many poor souls live in a constant dread of the hereafter! For them the grave is the end of all things. Death is a hideous nightmare. It casts a shadow over their whole lives. What would they not give for the strong comfort that you possess in your consoling FAITH. What have you ever done that God should have given you, from infancy, perhaps, this saving knowledge of the truth. You wish to be perfect:-Your FAITH will teach you how you can imitate the perfection of Christ. It will teach what sin is and how to avoid it. It will be a strong arm against temptation. It will be a lamp to your feet to guide you through life. It will instruct you in virtue so that, little by little, from grace to grace, you may pass to eternal glory. You should be eager to learn about God; about His Divine Son, Who poured out His blood for you; about His tender and loving Mother, who daily cherishes you; about His Church, established to enlighten and save you; about the Sacraments, instituted to sanctify and fortify you; about doctrines and laws, promulgated so that you may constantly and in all things do the Holy and Adorable Will of God. MAY you read it frequently, may you consult it often, and may its teachings sink deep into your heart.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 05:03:48 +0000

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