FAMOUS PEOPLE too suffer Mental Health Problems, one very unlikely - TopicsExpress


FAMOUS PEOPLE too suffer Mental Health Problems, one very unlikely actress, Star Wars star, Carrie Fisher who donned the Princess Leia buns in the Star Wars trilogy, has struggled with substance abuse and bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by severe mood and energy shifts that affect peoples ability to do daily activities. Fisher talks publicly about her disorder, declaring that she has long outlasted her problems. I am mentally ill. I can say that. I am not ashamed of that, she has said in TV interviews. British actress and screenwriter Emma Thompson has dealt with depression. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Thompson said she battled clinical depression in the past, with her career saving her from going under. Like other people living with clinical depression, Thompson said she felt sad and hopeless, and was unable to get out of bed at times. Catherine Zeta Jones With 26 percent of Americans 18 years or older living with a diagnosable mental disorder, its no wonder mental health is an increasing priority for the average person. But what about the celebrities or famous people weve come to follow so closely? They arent exempt from mental health issues, either. Some are more private about their mental health, while others strive to raise awareness in hopes of debunking misconceptions about disorders. This slide show includes some of Hollywood and historys most well-known names. Catherine Zeta Jones may be the new face of bipolar II disorder, but its no role she hoped to land. Despite now speaking publicly to help remove some of the stigma that comes with the condition, whos to say Jones wouldve done so it if reports of her treatment hadnt gotten out? She went to go get some help and some other patient probably in there said, Hey, you wont believe whos in here now, husband Michael Douglas said during an interview on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Whats the difference between bipolar I and II? According to WebMD, they possess many of the same characteristics -- the highs and lows -- but with bipolar II, the person never reaches full-on mania. Mel Gibson Long before he was winning Oscars -- or making headlines for all the wrong reasons -- road warrior Mel Gibson was doing battle with an unseen, off-screen foe: bipolar disorder. Known for his onset pranks and proclivity for after-hours partying, Gibson broached the subject during a 2002 documentary interview with a former classmate. I had really good highs but some very low lows, Gibson told filmmaker Sally McKenzie for Acting Class of 1977, which aired on Australian television in 2008. I found out recently that Im manic depressive. Numerous articles have been written, linking bipolar mood disorder with artistry. In 2008, a study at the Stanford University School of Medicine found that those with the condition expressed enhanced creativity, but recommended more research to determine why. Brooke Shields Some celebrities, such as actress and model Brooke Shields (pictured at right) have even written about their experiences. Shields has publicly discussed her bout with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter in 2003. Lasting longer than your typical baby blues, postpartum depression includes prolonged feelings of anxiety, worthlessness and restlessness in new mothers. She said that at one point, she didnt want to live anymore because her depression was so severe. The actress sought treatment early on and learned to manage her disorder with professional help and medications. Howard Hughes -- known for his wealth, movie production and aviation skills in the early and mid 1900s -- was always in the spotlight for one thing or another. But, ultimately, he is also remembered for his struggle with obsessive compulsive disorder, a condition that causes a combination of unnatural obsessions, anxiety and compulsions, which usually are acted out in repetitive behaviors. Unfortunately, Hughes OCD led to isolation, increased drug use and his own death, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation. Notably, his obsession with cleanliness and reputation as a germaphobe were evident in his daily life and interactions with his employees. In one repetitive routine, he made his workers use several facial tissues and rounds of hand-washing just to fetch his hearing-aid cord. His career and personal battle with the disorder inspired the 2004 Oscar-winning film The Aviator. Music star Elton John discussed his uphill battle with substance abuse and bulimia on Larry King Live in 2002. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which people binge, or uncontrollably consume large amounts of food, and then expel the food by vomiting or using laxatives because they dont want to gain weight. Discussing his substance abuse and bulimia, John said he had been sober and clean years. And it was the best thing I ever did. But, you know, those three words -- I need help. If only Id said them earlier, John explained. In 1994, alternative rock icon Kurt Cobain joined the so-called 27 club -- an unfortunate group of singers and musicians such as Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, to name a few, who all died at 27 years of age. Cobains death left many asking why? Did depression drive him to suicide? Why would someone check out at the height of professional success? Though we may never have all the answers, for Beverly Cobain -- the singers cousin and a registered nurse with a background in mental health work -- sought to turn her family tragedy into an opportunity to reach youths contemplating suicide. Kurt was diagnosed at a young age with attention deficit disorder, then later with bipolar disorder, Beverly said in an interview with CVS Health Resources, later adding, As Kurt undoubtedly knew, bipolar illness can be very difficult to manage, and the correct diagnosis is crucial. Unfortunately for Kurt, compliance with the appropriate treatment is also a critical factor.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:09:12 +0000

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