FANTASTIC interview about the reality of the American Revolution, - TopicsExpress


FANTASTIC interview about the reality of the American Revolution, which in truth was not as much a revolution about common men freeing themselves from the monarchy as it was about the colonial aristocracy defending their right to have slaves. Two important things not mentioned in the interview: 1. The American Revolution were taught about is actually the second one. There was another. The first one happened a hundred years before the second one and actually was a REAL revolution -- of the common people - black, white, servant, slave, free, everyone, fighting side by side as one - AGAINST the colonial aristocracy, to free everyone, including the slaves, who at that time were black AND white. That revolution is called Bacons Rebellion. unfortunately we lost. 2. race was a ruling class social control formation in response to Bacons rebellion. Race and racism didnt exist until then, when the colonial aristocracy invented it and implemented it in order to divide the colonists and prevent them from uniting as one and rebelling again. THATS JUST A FACT. People have said to me you act like racism didnt exist until they magically invented it. No, i dont act that way. It is a simple FACT. DOCUMENTED. I dont need to act. I state facts not theories. Its a testament to how horribly successful their strategy has been that even since it was revealed (in a gargantuan, epic history book called the invention of the white race by Theodore Allen in 1996 , the truth of this horrific strategy STILL isnt out there and popularly understood. CIA-FUNDED IDENTITY POLITICS PROGRAMS IN SCHOOLS IGNORE IT. CAN YOU GUESS WHY??.) ANYWAY this strategy has been a huge success. Blacks and whites have been at each others throats, thinking theyre separate people, black vs white, ever since with two exceptions. 1. the Civil War: when blacks and whites fought together to end chattel slavery, and succeeded. In response to our success after the Civil War the ruling class implemented Jim Crow laws to divide us once again. 2. The Civil Rights Movement: when blacks and whites fought together again, this time nonviolently, to bring an end to the Jim Crow era and stop legal segregation. In response to our success after the Civil Rights movement, the ruling class implemented a variety of strategies to divide us racially once again: - escalation of the drug war, disproportionately enforced against people of color - mass incarceration of black men - affirmative action programs designed supposedly to help blacks - but whose real purpose was to encourage racism & resentment by taking away jobs from working class whites - identity politics: a massive, multi-billion dollar CIA psyop designed to permanently split the left into weak, easily managed, racial and identity-based fragments. - the white privilege concept is part of the identity politics psyop.. white privilege, the illusion that white people enjoy a blanket privilege that black people do not. Again, whose purpose is to foster mass racial resentment and disguise our real, common enemy. Until we, the people, wake up to ruling class strategies and understand en masse that the REAL division in society is not black vs white, nor women vs patriarchy, nor gay vs straight, but WE, THE PEOPLE vs RULING CLASS PLUTOCRACY , then we will all forever be slaves. United, we will stand. Divided, just look around.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:40:34 +0000

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