FASHOLA CARPETS JONATHAN OVER CHIBOK GIRLS AND LEADERSHIP DEFICIT He asked, “How does this sound? ‘Hello neighbour, I heard you lost your child to abductors. Please come and see me at home so I can sympathise with you’. “This is my paraphrasing of what has so far transpired. As if this was not bad enough, the event had been followed by another round of lies about whether or not they tried to give money to the bereaved parents. For me, it’s a low point for leadership, it suggests lack of empathy.” According to him, “The first lie when the news of the abduction broke was that all the abducted girls had been retrieved. When that was exposed, the next lie was to raise doubts whether they were truly missing. “When that was not enough, they are now telling us that they know where the children are. We are prayerfully waiting that they will bring the children home.” “Truly strange and Truly unAfrican” “Until recently, we all used to think that our national development was inhibited by the fact that we never had a university graduate as leader of any national government in an executive capacity. “This perhaps alludes only faintly to the issue of the elite consensus, but it is not the same. Thankfully, the myth of graduate leadership as desirable as it is, has been exploded now. “We have two graduates (one zoologist and an architect) and I think the majority of Nigerians will tell you today that their lives are worse off than they were four years ago. “So there is more to leadership than a university degree and educational qualification. There is character, vision, courage, empathy, compassion and many more attributes that you simply will not find in a classroom or school. They are in homes, in communities and also in the value system of society.”
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:42:41 +0000

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