FB friends and family: After much thought and processing I - TopicsExpress


FB friends and family: After much thought and processing I decided for me the right choice was to put a little of my heart out to you all in hopes of some awareness of my medical condition along with love and prayers. It may seem very odd to some of you that I had been hesitant to put the following information since I seemed to not hold back much when Chad and I were dealing with his injuries last summer but the outpour of love and concern has brought my decision to put some of this out there in hopes of receiving the same for this journey that Chad and I are now on. Around 9 years ago after a hospitalization and an awesome friends care and concern, I was diagnosed with a condition called PCOS. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is an endocrine disorder created from a genetic mishap which creates a long list of issues including infertility, cyst covered ovaries, extremely irregular menstrual cycles, severe pains, increased chances of hormonal cancers, increased risk of heart disease, and for most including myself – increased weight gain due to insulin resistance. Beginning as a young girl I always imagined my life being with a wonderful husband (which I am sooo blessed with) and having a few children, so to receive this diagnosis was heartbreaking. For the past 9 years I have done my best to take the medications prescribed to me and to put on a face lacking fear of what my motherhood future may hold. Because of my diagnosis and OUR want to have children in our world Chad and I decided to take the proper steps as soon as we were married to AT LEAST get the ball rolling in the appropriate direction to hopefully make our dreams come true. Through the past few months we have done just that and received some not so good results from trials with preliminary fertility treatments. In the near future we will begin a new aspect of this journey through going to a fertility specialist. This is a very stressful journey for us, especially me, as for we do not even have a guarantee that this will be successful for us. I have some very amazing women in my life that have been through this and their success keeps the hope alive. I don’t think any of them know how helpful they have been already and appreciative I am for their support along with the support of my AMAZING husband and my family and friends. I do not know what they future holds and I am not sure how much I will want to post as this all unfolds but I hope that one day Chad and I will be able to share some wonderful news of bringing a child into our lives with you all!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:42:18 +0000

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Should have posted this before Christmas... This study shows that

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