FBI Says Little Doubt North Korea Hit Sony New York Times - TopicsExpress


FBI Says Little Doubt North Korea Hit Sony New York Times (01/08/15) P. B1 Schmidt, Michael S.; Perlroth, Nicole; Goldstein, Matthew FBI Director James Comey announced Wednesday that the agency has concluded that North Korea was behind the cyberattacks on Sony Pictures, partly due to mistakes that the hackers had made. In some cases, the hackers logged into both their Facebook account and Sony’s servers from North Korean Internet addresses, and then tried to backtrack and rerout their attacks and messages through decoy computers. Comey acknowledged that the hackers had used decoys, but did not specify the mistakes that gave him “high confidence” that North Korea was behind the attack. Comey made his remarks at the four-day International Conference on Cyber Security in New York, which gathered law-enforcement officials and Internet-security experts to discuss and analyze techniques hackers use to breach corporate networks. Before the November attacks, Sony had been threatened in messages posted to a Facebook account, set up by a group called “Guardians of Peace.” Facebook closed that account, after which the group began to send email threats to Sony and on the anonymous posting site Pastebin. Some digital-security experts remain skeptical that the attackers were North Korean, saying that an extortion letter posted by the attackers suggests criminals or embittered employees, and that the attackers could have faked the coded malware taken off computers with Korean language settings.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:00:13 +0000

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