FBI watching 40 American Muslims who have returned to the U.S. - TopicsExpress


FBI watching 40 American Muslims who have returned to the U.S. after fighting with the Islamic State (ISIS)! Why are they only watching? UK DAILY MAIL A New York congressman shocked his Long Island audience on Sept. 12 by saying that as many as 40 Americans have returned to the U.S. after fighting for the ISIS terror army overseas, and that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has them all under surveillance. The first reported American to die while fighting for the Islamic State, Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, was carrying his American passport! Democratic Rep. Tim Bishop made the remarks during a breakfast speech to Long Island Metro Business Action, and said, ‘One of the concerns is the number of U.S. citizens who have left our country to go join up with ISIS,’ he said. ‘It is believed there have been some number up to 100 that have done that.’ ‘It is also believed that some 40 of those who left this country to join up with ISIS have now returned to our country. Those 40 are under FBI attention and surveillance. So they are known and they are being tracked by the FBI.’ Jihad Cool The American Abu Muhammad al Amriki pictured earlier this year when he declared himself a follower of ISIS having defected from the Al Nusrah Front. He claims to have lived in America for 10 or 11 years before travelling to Syria American Muslim jihadis, part of a swelling ‘foreign fighter’ contingent aiding the self-designated Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) could put their ideologies and experience to work in the United States, a fact that has some in Congress clamoring for easier ways to revoke their citizenship. The Pentagon said two weeks ago that as many as 100 are suspected of taking up arms with a wider range of Islamist extremist groups in the Middle East and Africa. Although Bishop cited a larger number of confirmed U.S. citizens who have come back into the United States after fighting for ISIS, he insisted that they don’t pose a serious threat. Minnesota Somali-born Muslim Abdirahmaan Muhumed, 29, the family man turned jihadist in a picture posted by him on Facebook and believed to be in Syria says he is happy to be considered a terrorist ‘At the present time,’ he said, ‘the intelligence is ISIS does not present a threat to the homeland, although that is not something that will remain static going out into the future.’ ‘But there is a concern,’ he allowed, ‘that it could metastasize in such a way that it could become a threat to the homeland.’ Bishop backed President Barack Obama’s approach to defeating the terrorist would-be country, which he said ‘is a very, very complex and very, very dangerous threat.’ Referring to remarks Obama delivered on Sept, 10, he said, ‘I think the plan that the president outlined the other night [in his national speech] is a good plan.’ (Then you are an idiot and need to be voted out) https://youtube/watch?v=MWHLqakxjPQ
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 03:36:51 +0000

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