FEBRUARY 1, 2014 From GLOBAL CAMPAIGN CENTER FOR PEACE GLOBAL PEACE GPLO Takmoilung Headquarters Missionary Colony,Church Hills PO Tahamzam (SPT)795106 Manipur North East INDIAS VISION 1980 GLOBAL PEACE CAMPAIGN FOR GLOBAL CHANGE VISION 11 “A collection of the VISIONS about the Great Nagaland For CHRIST, a Holy Nation revealed to different SERVANTS of God with the RAINBOW and STAR as Naga National FLAG.” Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Indians Nation said, ”NAGAS HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE INDEPENDENT.” Mr. C. Rajagopalachari, the Governor – General of India said, to the Nagas that the NAGAS have every right to be ‘Independent outside the Indian Constitution. Mr. Pandit Jawahalal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India said, ”Nothing in the world that is ALIVE remains UNCHANGING. All nature changes from day to day and minute to minute. ONLY the dead STOP growing and are quiescent. Fresh water runs on, and if you stop it, it becomes stagnant. So also the LIFE of MAN and of a NATION.” To, The Honorable Secretary General of the UNITED NATIONS, the Rulers, the Authorities and the Leaders of this civilized MANKIND around the world such as the Presidents, the Kings, the Prime Ministers, the Chancellors, the Governors, the Chief Ministers, the Ministers, the Judges, the Secretaries and Others and the FAMILY members of the GPLO around the world. Sirs/Madams, “PEACE ON EARTH” “In past times MANKIND was NOT told this SECRET, but God has revealed it NOW by the SPIRIT to HIS Servants /Apostles and Prophets”( Ephesians 3:5). “We are NOT fighting against “FLESH and BLOOD” (Human Beings) but against the Rulers, against the Authorities, against the Cosmic Power over this present Darkness, and against the Spiritual Forces of EVIL in the heavenly world “(Ephesians 6:12). A collection of the VISIONS about the “GREAT NAGALAND FOR CHRIST”, a Holy Nation were given below: 1. A vision of the GREAT NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation was revealed to Rev.Dr.John Rangba Mara, the President of the GLOBAL PEACE GPLO on May 7, 2001 in Siliguri, INDIA. The Lord Almighty spoke to him, Man of God, “Let the world ‘ANSWER’ this question, if the NAGAS are NOT recognized as a Nation, WHERE Naga stands as a Citizen of CHINA or INDIA or MYANMAR or BANGLADESH? Let the World and the UNITED NATIONS look at NAGAS and say that shall be the FINAL declaration of the INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL WAR and its ISSUE of the INDIGENOUS NAGAS, because NAGAS are “MY CHOSEN” people and they are NEITHER China nor India nor Myanmar nor Bangladesh. ”NAGAS ARE A NATION “said the LORD. The Indigenous Peoples presently North East INDIA including the ‘KAMTAPURIS’ and Darjeeling District, Northern Parts of East and West of MYANMAR and Chittagong Hill Tracts of BANGLADESH are the family members of the ‘GREAT NAGALAND For CHRIST, a Holy Nation. I had promised to the NAGAS, the Great Nagaland For Christ, a Holy Nation with the ‘RAINBOW and STAR as NAGA National FLAG’ from the very beginning said the Lord. 2. ”A vision of the GREAT NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation was revealed to the Rev. Donal Bal Lama from the West Bengal, INDIA on July 1, 2003. All these words of God manifest and shows that God had given ‘SOVEREIGNTY’ as a ‘GIFT’ to the NAGAS and it appeared that HE has HIS own plan and purpose on the NAGAS for HIS own Glory said the Lord. As God said, ”I HAVE CHOSEN THIS NATION FOR MY OWN GLORY AND HAVE ANOINTED THIS LAND in 1872.(It refers to Rev. William Clark who entered to the NAGAS HILLS).By MY Spirit, I even declared, ”NAGALAND FOR CHRIST.”The NEW NAGALAND will be like ‘ISRAEL’ said the LORD. 3. ”A vision of NAGALOAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation was revealed to Mr Ray from the USA in 1986.He says that God has sanctioned the ‘NAGALND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation and quickly it is coming! ONLY he can NOT tell ‘WHEN.’ 4. ”A vision of the NAGALND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation was revealed to an American woman, Sister “GWEN SHAW’ in Jerusalem in 1982 that: ’what My spirit has done is that HE(God) has visited the people of Nagaland and they(Nagas) shall NOT be an ‘IDOLATROUS PEOPLE’ that shall fall down before the ‘IDOL’ like the people of INDIA. For I have separated Nagaland unto ‘MYSELF’ and I have with My finger drawn a ‘LINE’ around NAGALAND said the LORD. 5. ”A vision of NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation while more than 200 Nations were praying on November 26 (Sunday),2000 AD, God spoke to them through a American woman saying :”I HAVE GIVEN THIS RAINBOW TO THE NAGAS.” It is NOT inscribed by the NAGAS of their own accord refers to Rev. VEVOZO. ”I HAVE GIVEN TWO FLAGS TO MANKIND: one to the ISRAELITE and another to the NAGAS said the LORD. 6. ”A vision of NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation with the FLAG of Rainbow and Cross was revealed to Mr. Kumo from Burma(Myanmar) while he was praying to God with the Villagers of ‘CHANLAM’ in June,2000 AD. 7. ”A vision of NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation with the FLAG of Rainbow as unique was revealed to late Dr. AZ Phizo in May.1946.And God revealed to Miss Yahoi a 12 year old girl from Burma by the ‘THREE’ Angel saying, ”THIS RAINBOW IS THE NAGA NATIONAL FLAG WHICH I HAVE GIVEN FOR THE NAGAS in 1972.” THE BRITISH COLONIAL RULE OF GREAT NAGALAND, INDIA, MYANMAR and BANGLADESH THERE was no INDIA before the British rule where the British brought together the different ETHNIC communities (EXCLUDED the NAGA AREAS) and formed a union called INDIA. The GREAT NAGALAND previously known as NAGA HILLS or TRIBAL AREAS by the British during the British Rule of India who are INDEPENDENCE in the SPECIFIED Tribal Areas ADJACENT to India were NOT the British India subject as per the Articles of the Constitution of India 1935 and hence, an “EXCLUDED’ Order was proclaimed by His Majesty from Buckingham Palace, LONDON on March 3,1936.Moreover,the constitution of British India 1935 Article 262.These proved that the remark which appears at page 159 of the ‘FRONTIER AND OVERSEAS EXPEDITION FROM INDIA’ which reads the “INNER LINE PERMIT SYSTEM’ show on the Maps is NOT the British Frontier is found NOT relevant in the case of particular of the NAGAS peoples since the Inner Line and the concerned the NAGA HILLS relating to the NAGAS are more or Less same. The British Government of India Act 1935 declared the “NAGA HILLS EXCLUDED AREAS” from INDIA ,MYANMAR and BANGLADESH where the INNER LINE PERMIT System which is ‘EQUIVALENT’ to presently VISA is being practiced ‘TILL TODAY’ under the provision of the BENGAL EASTERN FRONTIER REGULATION 1873 (Regulation V of 1873). The Nagas declared Independence on August 14, 1947. For the record, the UNITED NATIONS in New York and the British India were informed by the ‘TELEGRAMS.’ “THE DECOLONIAL RULE OF INDIA, MYANMAR and BANGLADESH on “the GREAT NAGALAND FOR CHRIST, a Holy Nation must HONOR to FULFILL and IMPLEMENT the UNITED NATIONS resolution 1514 for REMOVAL of DECOLONIAL RULE to ‘REGAIN the Nagaland Independence without ‘DELAY’ with LOVE and RESPECT as civilized MANKIND under the UNRESTRICTED SUPERVISION of the International Community such as the UNITED NATIONS and Other Countries like the USA, UK, Japan, China , Russia, France, Germany, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Armenia, Thailand and Others WHEREAS 99% of the NAGA population in the HILL AREAS are LIVING and STARVATION without ROADS, HOSPITAL, PROPER EDUCATION and DEVELOPMENT till TODAY, because of the ‘RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ‘denied any LEADERSHIP,OPPORTUNITY and HATEFUL to CHRISTIANITY till Today.” “YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH; AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE”( John 8:32). “Let us NOT become TIRED of doing good, for in due season will reap, if we do give up. So then, as often as we have OPPORTUNITY (Chance),let us do good to ‘EVERYONE’ and especially to THOSE who belong to our fellow BELIEVERS of the same “FAITH’(Galatians 6:9 &10). HIS MOST HUMBLE SERVANTS Rev Dr John Rangba Mara PRESIDENT,GPLO Taylor Swift International Convener & Spokesperson GLOBAL PEACE GPLO
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:33:43 +0000

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