FEMA BLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY? by Roland C. - TopicsExpress


FEMA BLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY? by Roland C. Eyears 1997 from FederalObserver Website Editors Notes: It has been several years since this column was penned, however with the recent events in New York and Washington, we felt compelled to share this information with our readers. Chalk it up as something to think about. FOREWARD I already know that this message doesnt exactly fall within MILCOMs instructions, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is, in reality, a paramilitary organization that arrives when there is a disaster, regardless of cause. For those interested in monitoring FEMA, I wanted simply to provide some background on this federal agency which just so happens to have their southeastern regional headquarters next to my building. Being an amateur (KE4UQZ) I found another federal employee who is also an amateur! When I was on active duty with the Army (16 years total) I found out much of what went on within FEMA. Scary stuff in terms of our Constitution and Bill of Rights! Especially many of their operation and contingency plans of which are highly classified. Many of their plans are Code-Word Material. I wont go into further details on what this type of information is. Suffice it to say that it is information that is limited only to a very, very few within FEMA. The classifications of their plans are: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. I have a real problem with an agency such as FEMA having and generating information at those classifications. As an example, why does a flood area need clean-up plan that is classified Secret? I use to see it time after time. The below information is a function statement only to give you a better idea of what this agencys mission is all about, and generally how they go about conducting these missions. I already know Im going to get Hate-Mail over this message and I would appreciate you saving these types of messages for another day. All intelligence is good intelligence. Roger Cravens Atlanta, GA Last year (1966), America was treated to the heavily hyped, blockbuster hit movie Independence Day, which was no more than a third-rate, feel-good production in which an alien invasion was repelled by a president of questionable ability as a trusting populace watched and hoped. The disaster theme has been carried even further by several widely promoted offerings such as Twister, Volcano, and the TV miniseries Earthquake, based on experiences in California. In February of this year, the television miniseries Asteroid was shown on NBC, following a months-long barrage of blurbs. In the first few minutes of this four-hour drama, a primary hero was established. He was the one man who had the power to marshal the resources needed to save the Earth. He was the Director of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. How do you spell conditioning? In 1984, Davenport, Iowa, suffered a 100-year flood with the downtown area under several feet of water. The people had chosen not to build protection against the Mississippi River, citing $20 million cost and concerns that a flood wall would block a scenic view of the river. Underlying their decision may have been a hope that if losses were massive enough, a benevolent federal government would rescue them. And so it came to pass, they begged part of a $10 billion bailout package. FEMA got the credit. Emergencies and disasters, major and minor, occur every day. So shouldnt a caring federal parent protect and rebuild? On the surface, that seemed to be the thinking of President Richard M. Nixon when his administration conceived the beginnings of FEMA. For a generation, the government and the people had been concerned with invasion, and then nuclear attack. As those threats ebbed and the Cold War era passed, the violent demonstrations attendant to the Vietnam War caused Nixon to refocus emergency powers inward. Domestic unrest was the target; the American people were thereafter to be seen as a greater threat. Those who thought a presidents power to be closely limited received a shock when, in the early 1970s, Nixon froze all wages and prices in a doomed attempt to break an inflationary spiral. Ironically, the agency which preferred to remain low profile had its outing with Floridas Hurricane Andrew in 1992. It did not show itself to be very responsive, partly due to the waiting period for local and state governments to appropriate their 25 percent share of funds. Three days after the hurricane, Dade County still had not received adequate aid. Some critics called FEMA inept and useless and suggested that disaster aid be handled by the military. The Doomsday Establishment The Doomsday Establishment dates back to the day in 1949 when the Soviets detonated an atomic device. By the following year, the concept of Continuity of Government (COG) had taken hold, based on the logical premise that an enemy must know that a nuclear strike would leave our government sufficiently intact to retaliate and to continue to govern. To enable the highly classified COG program, a number of agencies such as the federal Emergency Broadcast System were formed, later to be consolidated into FEMA. The day came when great concern was expressed over the layers of FEMA operations personnel which had been inserted between the president and, without exception, all other federal agencies. It was in that postwar era that construction began on the top-secret luxury bunker beneath the Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia. Hollowed out of the Blue Ridge Mountains was the giant underworld at Mount Weather, built to house the president, his cabinet and the Supreme Court justices. Long gone is the day when President Eisenhowers motorcade, speeding towards this Strangelovian bunker, was stalled by a pig farmers truck on a country road in Virginia. Mount Weather was barely the beginning. In fact, it is currently undergoing massive expansion. That and over 50 more subterranean installations are today under the cloak of FEMA. In his comprehensive book, Underground Bases and Tunnels, published in 1995, Dr. Richard Sauder detailed the existence of hundreds of subterranean installations, some vast in scope. Quite a number of official publications, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Utilization of Nuclear Power Plants in Underground Installations were found which confirm the existence of such systems. A 1985 report, Literature Survey of Underground Construction Methods for Application to Hardened Facilities, produced by the Corps of Engineers, concluded that the technology to construct such bases has been in place for some time. The only problem has been financial. In view of the substantial increases in military budgets during the Reagan and Bush years, funding shortages ended in the 1980s. The Rand Corp., a major defense contractor, has been a major player since its founding in 1948. For years, this firm studied prospective sites for underground facilities and coordinated the efforts of government and private industry to effect construction. A three-volume report issued by the Corps in 1964, Feasibility of Constructing Large Underground Cavities, identified 12 recommended sites around the country. It was, however, pointed out that there is no area in which massive underground centers cannot be built. Not to be left out, the U.S. Navy operates its own undergrounds, as they are often called. One is reportedly located at Sugar Grove, W. Va., from where it allegedly eavesdrops on microwave communications. U.S. News & World Report stated in a 1989 article that FEMA and the Pentagon control some 50 underground command posts designated as possible refuges for the president in time of national emergency. Specifically mentioned were the giant facility at Mount Weather, near Bluemont, W.V., and its alternative at Raven Rock, also known as the Ritchie Facility, near the Pennsylvania-Maryland border. Many of these facilities are equipped to independently support hundreds of persons for months. Some evidence exists that the White House sits on a complex underground installation, constructed in secret over many years. One reliable source relates being escorted to the 17th level to deliver documents. It was his strong impression at the time that he had not reached the bottom. Dr. Sauder has written of federal officials who stated that from the 1970s a resident, parallel government was in place in the Mount Weather facility. These officials stated that all major federal departments and agencies were represented. The senior officials held cabinet-level rank and were addressed by subordinates as Mr. Secretary. Perhaps more disturbing is the claim that these mirror-image leaders were not bound by conventional terms of office and overlapped administrations under COG. Supplementing Mount Weather are said to be 96 satellite relocation centers within the so-called Federal Arc, that is, within 300 miles of D.C. Jack Anderson wrote in The Washington Post in 1991 of the, $5 billion network of bunkers filled with high-tech communications equipment at secret locations around the country. At Mount Pony, Culpepper, Va., is the 140,000-square-foot underground bunker of the Federal Reserve System. Constructed in the late 1960s, it is entirely self-sufficient, including cold storage for the deceased. Reportedly, the Fed stores $5 billion in greenbacks there against the need to reissue. A Time magazine cover story in August of 1992 alleged that Mount Pony was being phased out due to obsolescence of mission. This has been described as government disinformation. Dr. Sauder has uncovered authorities who seriously propose bunkers of impressive depth and size. Both the Defense Nuclear Agency and Los Alamos National Laboratory have discussed facilities to 6,000 feet underground. A 1984 front-page article in the New York Times featured a plan to build a massive tunnel housing a missile system, presumably in the western states, which would run 400 miles at a depth of 2,500 to 3,500 feet. A joint report published in 1988 by the U.S. Committee on Rock Mechanics and the U.S. National Commit-tee on Tunneling Technology proposed a missile system housed at depths of 3,000 to 8,000 feet. A 1981 report by the U.S. National Committee on Tunneling Technology projected as much as 20 million cubic meters of earth and rock to be removed between 1985 and 1995, exclusive of routine civil construction involving the Corps of Engineers. A point to dwell on is that those underground facilities with which FEMA is not today directly involved will fall under its control the moment a national emergency is declared. Acquisitions continue. Several years ago at a cost of $20 million, a Texas oil baron built a residential complex complete with a 60-bed underground hospital at Georgetown, near Austin. When he became financially insolvent, the complex was lost to a savings and loan which was subsequently taken over by unidentified interests. Today, that institutions door is guarded by armed security. Several months ago, FEMA bought the property at auction with our tax dollars. Questions keep arising concerning the agencys bunker mentality. Who is to be protected? And from whom? Certainly, it cannot be the people who would be sheltered. That leaves top government officials and the owners of our country. A full scale nuclear attack has become highly improbable, and a conventional invasion is out of the question. That leaves but one possibility: FEMAs underworld has been created to keep the elite safe from the people. Quiet speculation has built over time regarding the true purposes and practices of FEMA, but there have been scant glimpses at the agencys black ops. In June 1983, Senate investigators became aware of a series of C-130 and C-140 flights destined for Texas. Flight times for these aircraft, together with the installation of troop carrier seats, suggested the secret transport of soldiers into Central America. When answers were demanded, FEMA invoked continuity of government and refused comment. The agency had placed itself above Congress, and not even the Senate Intelligence Committee could determine what was happening. One attempt at an internal audit revealed that FEMA had spent a large, unspecified amount of money on electrical installations in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. Beyond a mention of COG, the agency established to assist in time of floods and earthquakes would explain nothing.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 23:26:34 +0000

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