FIND OUT THE FIRST THING THAT MAKES YOU EXCEL IN ANY PROFESSION I was discussing with my friend and when she asked me the course Im studying in school, the other person right beside me said Hes studying law in UNN and I can see the level of attention she gave me immediately but made a comment, At least you have a good course and not like us that is studying Fishery in school. You have to trust me I wouldnt leave her with that mindset. I simply told her what Im about to tell you now. Your success in life is not determined by the course you are studying in school, rather your success in life is determined by your SENSE OF PURPOSE IN LIFE. Many have not developed a purpose enough to hold them steady or a commitment strong enough to make a real difference in their life. Men with little minds have wishes, and great minds have causes. The great minds are those with a sense of purpose and behind every great accomplishment is a purpose and not a wish. Stop wishing you studied Law, Medicine, Engineering, etc or wish you were born as the presidents daughter, all you need to succeed in this life is a SENSE OF PURPOSE. It is said that to accomplish extra-ordinary results, you need the little extra to add to your ordinary and a sense of purpose will lift you from the realm of ordinary. Forward and share with friends...This is CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:55:23 +0000

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