FIND SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE YOU CAN KEEP ON FALLING IN LOVE WITH AND THEM YOU, SOUL TO SOUL SURFING! Sight is the ability to see the physical world while vision is the gift of living and seeing beyond it. Sight enables us to take the physical world in so we can participate in it with Knowledge. It brings us pleasure through our hearts, sprits and eyes, which percives the colors and shades of all the myrid expressions of nature and human beings. It helps us feel in contol, shoothes our hearts and souls, to see what is coming toward us, which way we are going, and exactly where we are standing on the scale of the love of life in the flesh. We are able to read the signs also navigate from within, the interior feelings and emotions of others to sense and perceive how they maybe feeling by the expressions on their faces. As anyone who has lost their sight; and they will tell you, through, the heart and soul that there are things clearer to a human being that the natraul eyes cant see. It is a state of vison that comes from the essense within, that abide in the heart; a mode of navigating the realms of thought, through, feelings, and emotions. It enables us to see things that arent yet manifested in the world of from, and it also connects us to that part of ourselves that exsists, totally seperate from the world of from. As we age, even those with perfect eyesight will lose some acuity to see humanity as it is, but this loss is usually replace with inner vision. When you are the right person or have the right one in your life; love itself become sunshine even on cloudy days; because love shines for all eternity indeed. Soul Suffers; Surfs Up° Goddpeed!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 03:31:41 +0000

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