FIONNS JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS - Yesterday was a day of mixed - TopicsExpress


FIONNS JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS - Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions. Fionn left us and travelled to his new family in Sweden. We are happy that he finally has his forever family but of course also sad to see him go. For 6 months Angela gave up her life to care for this dog, for 6 months she treated him like a child and gave him the best of care. Yesterday she travelled with him to Dublin on the final leg of his journey to ensure that he was ok. We didn’t update yesterday as we wanted to give her a chance to get home and get some sleep. You did Fionn proud Angela!! However we wake up this morning to see some people have turned this into a conspiracy theory and are accusing us of not caring about Fionn and our supporters and pawning him off of another rescue. I also see that another fake profile page in my own name has been set up in the last 24 hours. This is very upsetting for us to read such negative comments. Comments from certain individuals who seem to be just interested in causing trouble. We In Cork DAWG stand over the decision we made for Fionn, we are completely satisfied that he will be loved and cherished by his new family. To be in rescue means to say goodbye. Yes Fionn is very special but every single dog that comes into our care is special. Every single one leaves their mark on our hearts and every one of them will always be remembered by us. We endeavour to do right by every dog that comes our way and will continue to do so. People are asking why was Fionn not homed in Ireland, why did Angela not keep him, why was he not kept as a DAWG Mascot. Our priority from day one has been Fionn. Of course we would have liked to keep him in Cork but that did not happen. We did not receive one single suitable home offer for him here. But we believe there are no limits regarding geography when it comes to finding that perfect home. Fionn’s story touched the nation, it united people against animal cruelty and made people take notice of the neglect and suffering that occurs here every day of the week. Fionn is a miracle dog and will always have a special place in our hearts. We stayed with him on his journey and now his new life begins. To us it does not matter if that home is here or in Sweden, it matters that he is happy , it matters that he will no longer suffer again at the hands of humans. So Goodbye and Good luck our special man. Angela I personally want to thank you for everything you have done, you have done what no other would and you should be really proud. The dog that left you yesterday was happy, loved and confident, you showed him what it was liked to be loved. Thank you to the vets who looked after him and got him back to full health, thank you to the public who rallied and supported this boy. He has had the best of care with DAWG, through your donations, not only did you help Fionn but other special cases who were nurtured back to full health and found happy homes. This is a success story, this is what we are about. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 11:41:56 +0000

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