FIRST, I WORK IN THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY and THIS IS MY RANT. The regulatory requirements of this law impacts our efforts to provide the best care to patients negatively every single day. The hoops providers must jump through to justify the care we provide is beyond reasonable and prudent. The devil is in the details and now we are finding that out with regards to the affordable care act. Not a single person I know who pays for their healthcare has reduced their out of pocket expenditures. Sure this is anecdote but every one of us is a consumer of healthcare services. Providers have been portrayed as the enemy when in fact the health insurance companies and the torts were the entities that needed the reform. This is what happens when lawyers design a law with health insurance companies greasing their pockets... Provider practice is being attacked daily, the result will be an inflexible and non caring system that dictates treatment algorhythms and results in rationing of care. Free thinking physicians will be a thing of the past if this continues. Not just with regards to treatment modalities but also end of life decisions. Doctors are not empowered to discuss this with families because of fear of litigation. This is not rationing but reality: 75% of healthcare dollars are spent in the last 6 months of life in an effort to unrealistically stave off death. Last time I checked: death is a reality for every one of us. When its your time, its your time. Enjoy what you have left and move on. Furthermore, there is no such thing as FREE CARE. Someone is paying for that, look in the mirror to find out who. Preventative care should be discounted but lifestyle should also be a factor in determining premiums, if you smoke or are obese, you should be expected to pay more. SO, ITS NOT JUST A WEBSITE PROBLEM. ITs BIGGER THAN THAT AND YOU ARE A LEMMING IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE. My congresswomen Renee Elmers is a nurse married to a surgeon, I expected better. She has failed her district to find solutions. She has added to the Washington dysfunction in her failure to lead. SO VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBANTS IN THE NEXT ELECTION.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:59:57 +0000

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