FIRST SEAL PART 3 L-170 Now, notice, hell conquer and almost has - TopicsExpress


FIRST SEAL PART 3 L-170 Now, notice, hell conquer and almost has in his grip right now, while hes still antichrist before he can becomes beast. You talk about cruel punishment. You just wait. Watch what them thats left here on earth will have to go through with. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For the dragon, Rome, spurted water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the womans seed that was left upon the earth after the Bride had been selected and took out. And the dragon made war with the remnant that didnt want to come in, was hunted down. And the real Church will go through that if it was possible, but you see, they are done under this Blood by the grace of Christ, and is not going through...?... have no tribulation period. The next thing for the Church is rapture. Amen and amen. Praise be God. L-171 Oh, how I love this. Let me tell you. Were telling what a conquer hes going to do, and hes really going to conquer; hes already done it. Its just already sewed up. Thats all. Going to sew up with the money, filthy lucre. Its exactly. They love money more than God. Everything they think about now is how much money has he got. What is it? You know its been said lots of times: Give the church the money, and shell revolutionize the world. Give the church the money, and shell send evangelists all over the world. And what will she do? She will conquer the world for Christ. Let me tell you something, my poor blind friend. The worlds not won by money, but by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Give God men whos gallant men will stand on that Word, live or die, thatll conquer. Therell only be one thing that can conquer: those thats got their names written in the Lambs Book of Life from the foundation of the world. Thats the only thing will hear it. Money wont have nothing to do with it: send them farther into the denominational traditions. L-172 Lets see. Yes, with educational genius, hell be. Hell be smart. My, my, my, and all of his children around him will be smart: Ph.D., LL.D., double L.D., Q.S.D., A.B.C.D.E.F. on down to Z. Theyll have it all. Smart. Why? Its after the order of Satan. Any shrewd craftiness against the Bible is of Satan. Thats exactly what he took Eve with. Eve said, Oh, its written. God said for us not to do that. He said, But wait. Surely God wont do it, but Ill open your eyes and give you some wisdom. She got it. Weve been wanting him; we got it too, this nation. L-173 Notice, hell conquer the whole religious world. Hell conquer--make a covenant with Daniels people. Here it is, both in the Gentile and in the Daniels people, the Jews to the last week, and here we are, even drawed out on boards, and you see it perfectly, theres where it is. Thank God. There he is. That organizational system is of the devil. And thats no punches pulled on it either. (See?) Its exactly. Its a root of the devil; its a... And now, not people, not people in there, them are Gods people, many of them. But you know what, when we get over here till where we get in these trumpets sounding; and the next time I come by, these trumpets sounding. You remember when them last angels, that third angel come across, Come out of her my people.... When that angel flies at the same time that message drops here for the last trumpet, last angels message, last Seal opens. All happens at the same time. Yes, sir. All seals up and goes over into eternity. [Matthew 24:15], [Daniel 8:1-27] L-174 Now, watch, at the same time that this guys a-conquering (Then Ill close.), Gods going to do something then too. Lets not just give Satan all the credit here. See? Lets not talk about him altogether. See? While this great thing is going out there, this great system winding in these organizations in a union so they can pool themselves together and stand against Communism, and not knowing that God raised up Communism to conquer them. Sure. What--what--what made Communism rise in Russia? Because of the impurity of the Roman church and the rest of them. They took all the money there was in Russia and starved the people to death and give them nothing instead of live just like the rest of the world. L-175 I was down in Mexico not long ago and see them poor little children. Any Catholic country is not even self-supporting; theres not a one of them. Ask me where... Show me where theyre at. Any Catholic-controlled country cant even support its own self. France, Italy, and all them, Mexico, wherever you go, theyre not self-supporting. Why? The church took everything they have. Thats the reason Russia kicked it out. L-176 Watch what taken place. I know this myself. I stand down there and you think the golden jubilee was on you hear the bells ringing. And here a poor little woman coming down the street, dragging her feet, and a father packing a baby, and two or three of them crying. She was doing penance to some dead woman up there, they had her, thought shed get to go to heaven by it. Oh, what a pitiful thing. Then I seen standing down there... Here comes... Their economics is so poorly balanced; the church takes everything they got. Here little Pancho, maybe--maybe Pancho Frank, he comes down, and hes a brick mason, and he maybe he makes twenty pesos a week, but itll take the whole twenty pesos to buy him a pair of shoes. Thats their economics. But now here, what about then if he being a mason and a bricklayer and make twenty pesos a week (just saying, I dont know what he makes, but say that kind of economics--the way its balanced up). L-177 Notice, now, if he makes twenty pesos a week, here comes Chico (See?), which means little one, and he works out there for about five pesos a week, and hes got ten kids to feed; but therell be somebody knocking on his door to take about five of those pesos or four of them anyhow to pay for some grease candle to burn on a million dollar gold altar for his sins. There you are. Thats the balance of economics. Thats the way their countries are. The thing takes it all. The church takes it all. L-178 Shes just got it in her hands. Thats all. And her, with the money of the Jews in that covenant; the Bible said theyll take the whole thing, and then he becomes a beast; he breaks his covenant; he ravishes; he tears out the rest of that womans seed like that, and spurts water out of his mouth, makes war; and therell be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. And the Brides getting married in glory (See?) same time. Dont miss it, friends. God help me; and I--I want to be there. I dont care what it costs. I--I want to be there. L-179 Now, notice, in the same time this is going on, just before this takes place, rather, on the earth, God has promised, while all them scruples of denominations arguing their difference about their creed, God promised that He would send us a true prophet of the true Word with a message to return to the original Word of God and the faith of the fathers to bring down the power of the Holy Ghost amongst the people, with a power that will raise her above these things and take her in at the same time. Yes, sir. L-180 Same Word be vindicated of Jesus Christ that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Lo, I am with you always, even to the consummation. And the works that I do shall you do also. I will be right with you. A little while and they wont see Me no more, cause they will organize themselves and scatter out, but ye will see Me, for I will be with you. I will even be in you unto the consummation. When He said... His indignation be poured out after the consummation. There you are. Oh, God. Who is that white horse rider? Youre not blind. You see who it is. Its that antichrist and that deceitful spirit thats gone now and crept in, and made and then sh... L-181 See, God just keeps repeating it. He showed theres a man going forth with a white horse and with his bow and no arrow. Hes a bluff. He has no power. You say, The power of the church... Wheres it at? What do they do? They say, Were the original church. The original church cast out devils, healed the sick, and raised the dead, saw visions and everything else. Where is it now? See? Hes a bluff: bow with no arrow. Thats right. L-182 But you see, when Christ come, a Sword went forth from His mouth like a lightning flash. It went forth and consumed His enemies and cast away the devil. It cut away everything else and He come, His vesture dipped in Blood and on His thigh was written The Word of God. Amen. Here He come with His army, coming from heaven. L-183 That white horse rider has been in the land all the time. He will change from antichrist. He does that and becomes to a false prophet. See, he first started an antichrist, the spirit; then he become a false prophet. Then later, when the devil is cast out, hes incarnate then with the devil. Three stages: the first hes a devil to begin with, a spirit of the devil; then he becomes a false prophet, teacher of a false doctrine; next thing he comes as the very devil himself incarnate. See? There he is. And at the same time that this devil falls out of heaven and becomes incarnate in a man, the Holy Spirit goes up and comes down incarnate Man. Amen. Oh, my. What a time. L-184 Tomorrow night, God willing, the Second Seal. You love Him? (All right, Brother Fred...?... the tapes, brother, keep...?...) Now, you--you believe it? (I just shut the tape off.) Now, Im going to hear from that; you know that. See? But I expect to. Let me tell you something, brother. I just now know for one time in my life why that Spirit has always warned me against them, that organization. L-185 Im grateful to the Lord God for showing me these things. I know that its the Truth. There it is, revealed right there. Here he rides right down through the age and comes right out here and displays himself right down here just as perfect as he can be. See? Thats him. Now, were not deceived on that. Now, you got your eyes opened. Stay away from that kind of stuff. Love the Lord with all your heart, and stay right with Him. Yes, sir. Come out of Babylon. L-186 [] Three things: proved by the Word, shown by a picture, manifested by the works of the Spirit, vindicating that It is the Word. L-187 Let the Word come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord. Heal the sick. Heal every sick person thats present, Lord, and those out there that writes in and calls in. L-188 Father, at this hour, theres another healing that should be done right now, and we go on to healing service. But, Lord, its that soul, we want that just in order, Lord. And these things must come. L-189 We pray, God, that Youll take these words now that has been said, and make them real to the people. Let them see It, Lord. Being pinched for time, and, You know, Father, so I pray that enough has been said that the Holy Spirit will take It and reveal It into hearts. Those who are writing the Scriptures down, may they study Them. Those who are making tapes or--or--or hearing the tapes, may they study It; not put their own interpretation to It now, but just study the Word. Grant it, Father. In Jesus Name, I commit it all to You, and for Your glory. Amen. L-190 [A brother prophesies. Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Amen. Oh, thank You! [Congregation continues rejoicing.] Oh! L-191 If there is somebody here that dont know Him, in pardon, do it now. Hear that straight, strong rebuke. If you ever expect to draw nigh, do it now, for days after this. L-192 What if that was the breaking of that Seal? What if that was the Angel that sent forth there, that blasted (almost) me off of the ground, the other day, standing back there, when three witnesses are standing close. That I told you before I went, There would be an explosion that would almost send me up. And I was caught up by seven Angels, and come eastward. The thing like to shook me from the ground. L-193 Is that right, Brother Norman, Brother Fred Sothmann, who was standing with me when it happened, above Tucson? And the--the... Setting, picking the burrs off of my clothes, exactly what the vision said. And it was south of... towards Tucson. If thats right, raise up your hand, Brother Fred, Brother Norman. There they are. Stand up on your feet, so the people can see that you were there, a witness. I never heard anything like it, in my life. L-194 And, immediately, they didnt hunt, the rest the day. I begged Fred, the next morning. He dont know this. I begged him to go out hunting, kept saying, Do it. Do it. L-195 But He said, He told me back there, He wont do it. Youre going East, right now. L-196 And them seven Angels! The first blast, she opened. Yeah. What if it is? Were at the last hour. See? I love... Lets worship Him. I love Him Because He first loved me Lets stand. And purchased my salvation On Calvarys tree. L-197 Lets cleanse our hearts now, brothers, as we bow our heads. My sisters, Ive talked awful to you, but Ive done it in godly love. Ive done it because I loved you; about wearing long hair, and dressing and acting right. Ive done it because of godly love. Lets pure our conscience now while--while the Clorox of God. L-198 In the morning, may be too late. He may step forth. These things coming forth like this, brethren, might be the end of the mediatorial office. Did you ever think of that? Well, I dont know it is. I dont say it is. But what if it is? What if it is? What about it? Theres no more redemption; its gone, at that time. I hope its not, but there is a possibility that it is. I love Him, I... Cleanse us, Lord. ... love Him Because He first loved me And purchased my salvation On Calvarys tree. L-199 Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory to God! I love that sweet feeling. Dont you feel That? Just the Holy Spirit, like, bathing around you, walking around with It. Oh, how wonderful! Oh, think of His mercy! I love Him, I love Him Because He first loved me And purchased my salvation On Calvarys tree. L-200 Dont forget It, friend. Dont forget It. Take It home with you. Stay with It. Hold It on your pillow. Dont forget It. Stay with It. God bless you now.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:19:58 +0000

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