FIVE TIPS FOR STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS I bring to you,the - TopicsExpress


FIVE TIPS FOR STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS I bring to you,the following tips- 1. Ask yourself this question. Is your idea better than or different from what is already out there-? Is your idea different than what’s already out there? If the answer is yes, you’re off to the races. If the answer is no, which for most it will be, consider this. The fastest way to success is either in doing something differently or doing something BETTER than what is already out there- 2. Be willing to take the leap- Not everyone is ready the minute their great idea takes form. Some say you need to have 6 months worth of savings in the bank to go safely out on your own. I don’t really know what the answer is financially. But I do know this. Dreaming doesn’t ever equal doing. I know so many women & men,boys & girls who have these incredible ideas for business Botswana, that simply never find the courage or time or something, to see them to fruition. Sometimes, it’s the desperation that comes from actually taking that scary leap, that fuels the most passionate of successes- 3. Leave your perfectionist self at home- Your logo may not be absolutely perfect, you might not have (or need) all of your business stationery, you may be a little foggy as to what your business plan looks like in the long term. Who cares. Just start doing. My mom always said…you have to keep dreaming but start doing. No one ever made any money sitting on the couch planning. They got off their tail and started making things happen- 4. Get scrappy- I can’t tell you how many people I have met that say they have no idea how to even start a business. Neither did I, friends. I’d never laid an eye on the makings of a successful business(now I own a chain of lucrative ventures in and around Botswana) and I certainly had no clue how to modify my 1st venture to make said venture look like my own. I relied on the offerings of Typepad to make simple changes – updates to my services, products etc. I researched permalinks and link sharing and social media. I didn’t know much, but I was willing to find answers and get done what I needed to get done. The way that I wanted it to be done- 5. Ask for help. And be willing to help others- The number one question that I get from those dreaming of starting their own business is this: how did you get your initial surge of clients? The truth is, there wasn’t ever a surge. It took time. I remember seeing other business consultants when I first started out and thinking that I would never be able to climb the mountain to reach the success that they had found. But instead of sinking into my own insecurities, I put my nose down and worked. Really hard. Every day- WE OFFER FREE BUSINESS ADVICE AMONG OTHER SERVICES THAT INCLUDE PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION.SEND US A PRIVATE MESSAGE FOR MORE DETAILS- like & send us a private message @ our FB page : facebook/fastreliableconsultancybw make sure to visit our website : fastreliableconsultancybw.yolasite/ for more details-
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:16:52 +0000

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