FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE!! WHILE WE ARGUE AND DISCUSS SECONDARY ISSUES... OUR COUNTRY IS BEING STOLEN!! PATRIOTS PLEASE FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE THAT THE LEFT AND THE PROGRESSIVES DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE... Patriots, understand that the Progressives fronted by Hussein Obama are too smart to move the ball too fast down the field. They are patient and relentless. They are hoping that as they move the ball along we will not notice that suddenly we are next to the goal line! We are way past midfield now. HERE IS A GREAT METAPHOR: They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger. But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late. The frogs survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes. This is metaphor is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones. An example: Lets say that every year, the local well had an inch less of water in it. A person might realize theres a problem if theres suddenly NO water, but a slowly dropping level might not be an obvious crisis until its too late! Do you see the profound similarity in what the Progressives have been doing to America through rules regulations and slow changes for the past 100 years?? So Many Sincere and earnest Patriots talk about all kinds of way short of Revolution to Restore our Republic. They suggest so many good the States Convention the Countermand Convention Impeachment etc etc... Sadly all of these are Intellectual Pipe Dreams ... the Progressive Cabal is so firmly entrenched that any of those projects will be sabotaged and will NEVER EVER COME TO FRUITION... THE ONLY WE WAY TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY THIS LATE IN THE GAME IS RRR.. REVOLT - REMOVE- RESTORE and dont wait till they GUT THE 2nd AMENDMENT TO START TO ACT!! No election of a Conservative President or congress or Legislatures ...... is going to resolve the decayed underpinnings of the Constitutional Republic our country once was. They have already destroyed most of what the Founding Fathers envisioned. There needs to be a whole lot more work before an elected President can do any meaningful work. The Bureaucracy is loaded with leftist Progressives and Socialists and unless and until we remove all of them through a Radical Bloodless or Bloody Revolt.. all we will do is spend the next 10 years fighting against people who have diametrically opposite views of what America should be and they will Win. THEY ARE COUNTING ON US TO BE THE FROGS!! WE CANNOT CO-EXIST WITH IDEOLOGIES THAT ARE POLAR OPPOSITES TO OURS. WE MUST REVOLT OR ACCEPT!! Electing a Different President or Congress whose hands are tied by Federal Judges and by Legislatures and rules that are also loaded with enemies of the Constitutional Republic is a waste of time and energy until we have completed the REVOLT AND SUBSEQUENT CATHARSIS FIRST. Thats a fact !! RRR... THE ONLY WAY LEFT.. WE ARGUE AND DISCUSS AND POST ISSUES THAT THEY HAVE CONCEDED AND THEY DARE YOU TO FIX ..WHILE THEY ARE MOVING US CLOSER AND CLOSER TO A SOCIALIST TAKEOVER!! FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:07:00 +0000

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