FOND FAREWELL TO TWO JOSETTES: Today marks the end of a very - TopicsExpress


FOND FAREWELL TO TWO JOSETTES: Today marks the end of a very emotional week for me. On Monday, my close friend Josette Balthazar (Just weeks apart from me in age) left this earth. And just a few days later, Josette Toussaint Leon (My niece’s grandmother) said farewell to the world having lived a very full life. I am sure the soul of both Josettes are at peace. They both suffered a lot in the months leading to their deaths. I have known Mrs. Toussaint Leon since I was in elementary school, when my brother started dating her daughter, who he would marry nine years later. I stayed with her one summer. I won’t share the drama around how that came about but she opened her home to me anyway. She could cook! She made this stuffed cabbage that I still crave from time to time. All my memories of her are positive and happy. She was never apart from her husband and constant companion Kesly, who passed away last year. I can’t imagine that she had any regrets. She lived a full and long life I think. Josette Balthazar’s life lasted only about half hers. It’s funny how we met. About 12 years ago, we met at a super bowl party. We were there with our boyfriends at the time, who were also friends. I remember Raymond calling me a few days later to tell me that Josette had asked for my number and how strange he thought that was. He gave her my number and we became fast friends. She joined my friend circle and became much better friends to my friends and with my friends than I ever was. I visited her in the hospital about three weeks ago and knew her time was short, but I thought we had months, not weeks. But I realize that death pierces your heart no matter how much warning you get. It’s final! When we spoke in the hospital, she said that she felt her life was being cut short and that she had not fulfilled her purpose. I suppose she did not feel that she had accomplished a lot at just 41 years old. I told her that I did not believe our purpose is always to do something big in the traditional sense. Yes, Louverture, Malcolm, Martin, Mandela – their purpose were obvious. For others, their purpose is subtle yet powerful, brief but life changing. Josette did not cure diseases or save people from burning buildings. Still her purpose was just as important – maybe more. Ask anyone who knew her and they will tell you that Josette was the nicest person they knew! She was always there for others and went the extra mile. Very few people are that selfless. I remember her being there for Will when he was ill (That boyfriend who introduced us 12 years ago) even though they were no longer dating. I am sure that was part of her purpose – to let Will know that he has friends who will stand with him even at his darkest hour. For Myrna’s wedding, it was Josette who was there till 3am the night before to wrap a special lace mesh she had personally purchased for the chairs. And when they ran out, she volunteered to go early the next morning to get more and come back and finish the job. I don’t think she slept that night. She was not even in the wedding party. Her purpose that time was to let Myrna’s sister know that they did not have to do it alone and she would finish the job for them. Small sacrifice that made the difference! You see, for some, their purpose is to be the light…the smile…the kind word…the constant source of positivity…the self-sacrificer. No, no one will organize parades for Josette but I hope she knows that she touched people in ways that changed their lives. She is probably one of those angels God has put in our midst to ensure balance and order in the chaos and darkness. She fulfilled that mission with honors. I can’t even begin to write all the great things she did for me. She was always the one I knew would never say no and would do what ever is needed. There are few people you can count on that way. She listened to my stories about stupid boyfriends, supported my bold moves, and was always down to hang out. She loved Ozios and Zanzibar. She loved Trinidad – her homeland – and was a carnival fanatic. I’ll share one her many heroic acts. Last July, it took two tries to actually make it to Haiti for my six-month excursion. Here’s a synopsis of the first try. So Josette drives me to national airport for an early morning flight. I get on the line. She leaves. The attendant takes my passport and tells me it is expired. After a few moments of disbelief, I realize that my passport is in my storage unit in DC. Since I arrived at the airport early, delusional me thought I could go to the storage unit, get my passport, and come back to make my flight. Being the trooper that she is, Josette signed on for the adventure. She came back for me and we went to the storage unit to search. But I could not find my passport. All the while, Josette was on the phone calling the airlines to find out the time of the latest flight to Haiti that day. After not having luck at the storage unity, we drove to her house to check the boxes that I asked her to store for me while I was away – No passport. Her mom was there and told me that she was praying for me and that I would find it. Strangely, that calmed me. I was pretty wired, in shock, and out of mind with despair. By now it is around 2pm and there are no more flights I can take but I decide to look in the storage one more time. Of course Josette went with me. This time we found it. We went to get something to eat. Her mom called and I told her that her prayer got through. By now it is almost 5pm and I have finally accepted that I am not going to Haiti that day. The entire day was a nightmare of epic proportions. I could not have gotten through that day without her. She never once told me to snap out of it or end the chase and accept that I would have to go get a new passport and fly to Haiti another day. She just went along with my madness – ride or die. It turns out Josette called in sick to help me – above and beyond. The extra mile. True Blue! Tomorrow is her funeral. I do not want to go. Going means accepting the news communicated to me…Accepting that I will never see her again…Coming to terms with the fact that she is no longer in the world. The other Josette will be laid to rest next Sunday and I hope to be there to pay my respects if I don’t have to travel to Haiti. The world has lost two Josettes. Two angels. Two dynamic women who left a mark on my life. If I ever accomplish anything worth noting or do anything worth celebrating, it will be because God put them in my path to remind me that He’s in charge and his angels will stand with me and support me when I lose my way and the path is gray. The world is a little less bright without them in the world…
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 20:44:17 +0000

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