FOOD FOR THOUGHT. JUST HOW MANY MUSLIMS ARE REALLY RADICALS? Apart from this young mans rather annoying mannerisms, the problem I have with his analysis is that I am unsure if wanting Shariah Law in and of itself necessarily translates into supporting violence in order to impose it. Certainly, viewing Bin Ladin in a positive way, supporting suicide bombing or agreeing with honour killing of women and believing that Israel was responsible for 9/11 should all be considered radical, violent, fanatical or all three. But even if we assume that all of those who want Shariah Law imposed in their countries also disapproved of Bin Ladin, oppose suicide bombing and denounce honour killings (which is unlikely) , it still leaves a whopping number of Muslims (possible as many as 300-400 million ) who are fanatical about their religion and will condone and/or participate in violence to achieve what they perceive to be its goals. And that alone explodes the oft repeated myth that the radicals are in a tiny minority. To be sure, they are still a minority, but by no stretch of the imagination a tiny one. To ignore or downplay this reality in the name of tolerance or diversity is at best naiive and at worst madness. And you just know that when the terror comes to somewhere near them, the apologists and down-players will the first to demand that much more should be done to protect them. The question is: Will it then be too late? [Only ONE very SHORT kick at the can per person. NO links, cartoons or photos. No foul language. Total editorial discretion reserved.] https://youtube/watch?v=g7TAAw3oQvg&feature=player_embedded
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:47:57 +0000

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