„FOUNDATION OF INTEGRAL SALONS HALLE AND RIESA AT 3. INTEGRAL WEEKENEND IN QUETZ” (to our general concept, intentions and one long planned event in 2014 ) As a tradition we hold an “integral weekend” two times per year in a wonderful old castle in the little village Quetzdölzdorf (short: Quetz) near Halle/Saale, in the midst of Germany. In October 2012 at the end of “3. integral weekend”, we founded officially in a little nature schamanic ceremony two “integral salons”: prepared by plan “Salon Halle”, and announced as a surprise “Salon Riesa”. The time before we had a very “integral mixed programm” for body, soul and mind. One main topic was an intensive dealing with SIMPOL, the new style of politics, which is neccassery to solve the global problems of our world. This lesson and the following discussion was filmed and could be ordered over arimedia.tv ! Please buy this DVD (in German) and spread this idea and concept in all your own political actions as a “global citizen” and be part of the change you would like to see in that world !! Another intention was to develop still more “vivid practice forms” of integral spirituality like “integral postmetaphysical prayers for meals”, and social rituals like “integral tribe dance” for creating the “wonder space of WE”, and experiences of the connectedness between the subtle energy realms of nature and men! And so –with a lot of fun- we held our “foundation ceremony” at an old -already prehistoric- cult place, called “Venus hill of Quetz”! Because it’s just time to bring more Venus energy into our world, and to overcome the old warrior time! Thatswhy as our “anthem” we choosed a schamanic song from a very little Manatja tribe from Northern Australia (not from Venezuela, as I said in the video). (This little tribe never recovered from the massacres by intruders with guns in the early 1900’s. Today the only surviving members of that tribe are two elderly women, one of them the mother-in-law of one singer. So is just the message of this song a very great “elderly wisdom and spiritual legacy”: “SPIRIT OF PEACE – SPIRIT OF LOVE – this is our gift for fivehundred years (ago)”! (see more from group Yothu Yindi yothuyindi ) Jürgen, one geomanth and schamanist, who explained the similiarity between chakras of countryside and men at this place, is the son of a former guardian in a Nazi-concentration camp. (His grandfather was as a soldier of Wehrmacht in Poland. The grandfather of a young women in our salon, who comes from Poland, was in that terrible Nazi-time already thrown into a mass grave in Auschwitz. But a friend detected that he was still alive at the liberation time, and put him out there! My German mother was almost executed very near Auschwitz because of Auschwitz, when they were –at and after the end of the war- on their refugee and later death track lead by Polish soldiers and saved by Russian officers! So we all have a very deep karmic connection at soul level! ) Now all the messages of them and us is: Never war again! Problems of mankind have to be solved by “mutual understanding by communication”, and shadows of the past have to be “healed also at the soul level” with the “spirit of love” and the “power of attraction of Visions!” Thatswhy is the “re-detection of soul” and “healing in all kinds” such a big theme in our Salons! So we will also hold in that castle and this countryside a “soul of nations”-seminar. Over Whitesuntide 2014 as an international seminar of reconciliation between nations at “soul level” with the German-American integral couple Wolfgang Schmidt-Reinicke and his wife Soleil Lithmann, who developed this method with all their experiences from Auroville, integral movement, and transpersonal psychology (sunwolfcreations. Wolfgang was one of the first founders of the German integral movement. His new coming book will come out in summer 2013. Good to read –not only- for preparing this seminar! Title: “Transformation und Heilung der nationalen Identitäten- Die Seele und der Schatten der Länder in uns“, an Excert intro in German is already on this site. The English translation will come out 2014: “Fulfilling True Nationality for a New Global Consciousness”). His wife Soleil Lithman developed as a transpersonal psychotherapist –with integration especially of the Auroville impulses- the “soul healing Hladina-method”. Her book could already red in German: „Die Hladina-Methode (R): Integration der universellen Lichtenergie mit dem menschlichen Körper“. Both books would be fundaments of our next „soul of nations“-seminar in Quetz over Whitesuntide 2014!! Members of several nations will be invited!! (I began to subtitle this clip from our last “Quetz-weekend” as an “appetizer” for our international partners, but because of lack of time I just post already this “unfinished opus” before our next weekend in Quetz takes place in the begin of June, and the annual event of whole “integral forum of German speaking nations” soon later. But I try to complete it.) So please keep in contact for later more informations, also at the facebook-site of “Integraler Salon Halle” !
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:43:19 +0000

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