FREEDOM’S ORIGIN: Freedom, in its simplest form, is doing what - TopicsExpress


FREEDOM’S ORIGIN: Freedom, in its simplest form, is doing what we want! Yet, doing what we want must not hurt others. Therefore, controlling what we want becomes a vital issue to us and all those who live around us. So how can we have the most freedom possible in our country and still have an orderly free society? THE VITAL PROBLEM—CONTROLLING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (a) The first option: is where the “control of moral human behavior” originates largely from within the hearts of individuals in that society—so that “loving one’s neighbor as oneself” is more likely to come naturally. But what force can inspire this type conduct in society, allowing freedom America had at the start? The founders of America well understood this problem and realized that the “teachings of Jesus” is the only force to do this to the extent of American’s freedom. It gave the masses a different “Spirit,” and altitude. This spirit is the only force in this world which overcomes the desires of human nature to this extent. Our founders learned this from the Bible; Philippians 1:11, Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God. This spirit is explained at Galatians 5:22 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, and self-control. (TEV) Now America has proven this to be true; it is the only world power ever founded on these principles and it is the greatest and freest world power in human history. Note, at the time area of the founding of our country in 1765: PATRICK HENRY, It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here. It is clear: The founders of our Country, as we should also, realized that: if one accepts the “teaching of Jesus” in his heart: God then gives the “Holy Spirit,” a supper-human controlling force which changes our altitude and behavior toward our fellow citizens. SUPERHUMAN FORCE AND HUMAN NATURE God’s Spirit then gives one the power to overcome human nature and its evil deceptive desires. Note what the Bible says about our human nature, when the word of our Creator and the “teachings of Jesus” do not control it; Galatians 5:19, What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions…21 they are envious, get drunk, have orgies, and do other things like these. (TEV) This is what the unlearned of this world call “FUN.” If we examine these actions closely, we will find that it is this very behavior that produces a miserable life of sorrow and a breakdown in order of our human society, thus taking away our freedom! No other world power was ever formed like ours; saying, the rights of the people come from God and not from government. IS MORE POLICE THE ANSWER? Within this environment of this self-controlled behavior, the need for a Police force and governmental regulations are greatly reduced, thus producing more freedom. Therefore, the need for all government laws is then reduced. This results in a self-regulated society with more freedom…like America’s freedom and greatness at the beginning of our Nation. We then built all of our cities, our railroads, and etc. all with “no” Government regulations as we have now. If you had the will and the money to do it; you just did it! You did not have to get permission from anyone. IS GOD DEAD, IN THE MINDS OF MAN? (b) Now, the second option: is a society where there is no education of, or no teaching of God and Jesus, and there is no divine moral authority to overcome human nature, just the liberal humanistic secular standards set by the Statist who control government laws. Then more behavior laws are a vital must. Remember Galatians 5:19, What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions… So human nature must be controlled by behavior laws alone; which cannot be done. Humans just do not have the “Power” to overcome the desires of “human nature.” Yet, these behavior controls and laws must be enforced as State and Federal laws. A larger and larger police force is then necessary. They must try to produce a civil society with this uncontrollable human nature by its own ability. We humans have now proven that this type of behavior control cannot be done completely, even with more police. The result of this philosophy becomes an unsolvable problem and every empire like this soon came to be corrupted, then fell into disorder and was replaced. TRUSTED PUBLIC SERVANTS It is clear: As we lose our Conservative Christian teachings and morals that our founding fathers started us with, as we have in the last couple of decades, we are doomed. Note the reality of all this: it can be disastrous! It can easily become to the point where hardly anyone of those who have become liberal unbelievers, to be trusted as our professionals servants; like our Doctors, police and justice system, Mechanics, Dentists and etc. Why? There is no “divine moral power” controlling their human nature. They can fall into to the human desire to make as much money as they can. It is then easy for them to become uninterested in the welfare of their fellow clients. We must notice, our freedom decreases with each behavior law passed; requiring more and more police force, as corruption gets worse each year. Then even those who become unbelieving police can become corrupted. Freedom and justice are then lost. This is the beginning of the end of our county. We must realize this! IS MORE LAWS THE ANSWER? When most of the people in a society give up Conservative Christian Leaders with the teaching of Jesus in their heart, what then? Little by little the laws that regulate society keep gradually getting larger. As a result of trying to control and the ramifications of enforcing all those laws and rules, the result is corruption. Every time a problem then comes up, we just pass more and more bills and laws, making things even worse by taking away just that much more freedom. Then it soon becomes harder and harder to find people who can understand and comprehend all those broad laws. The regulation manuals soon become so large that no one is able to comprehend their interpretations. What happens then? The human initiative that freedom helped to provide originally, which made this county the greatest ever in history, is sacrificed. We then are the causalities. Our freedom and way of life are also the causalities. The human initiative that built this great country is also sacrificed. ONWARD CHRISTIANS SOLDERS The question each of us must face: What can “we” personally do about this? Will we just sit by and let it get worse and worse until we are all enslaved and the government founded by our forefathers also falls like all the ones that preceded it! We must not let this happen! There is much we can do; “all” of us can have part in correcting this? How? We can at least talk to those we come in contact with, using this message; give, or e-mail, at least 7 other persons who will do the same thing, a copy (make as many copies as you like, or re-type this accurately…(print shop) Things spread quickly if all do this! The Christian Truth Foundation will be giving this and other publications to Christian candidates, different legislators and authorities etc. free, as the contributions allows us too. We have volunteers for this work; even the President of the Foundation does not take a salary. This makes it possible for all of us to have a part in keeping our country and freedom. Then we all must vote in “Conservative” Christian Judges and legislators (locally—nationally) just like the founding fathers of our country did. For those who cannot physically do this work; if you want, you may send whatever contribution your conscience tells you to send. This way, all can have their part in this work. You may use check, money order, credit card (include the kind, number, amount, etc.) The Christian Truth Foundation (TCTF, if you like) 4150W 500S -1- Albion, IN 4670 Please include your name, address, and phone number. Note: if you want to volunteer to be in “Action parties” in your community. Then we can help in the future as we develop more things to aid in organization, aids, and etc. LET’S ALL HELP KEEP OUR FREEDOM! OK?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:37:31 +0000

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