FRIENDSHIP is a Privilege, its not a Right, and especially so, in - TopicsExpress


FRIENDSHIP is a Privilege, its not a Right, and especially so, in marriages!:: Nothing is to be compared to a marriage between TWO GOOD FRIENDS.... When their trials start, as it sure must, all they will have to fall back on, will be the foundation of that earlier friendship. Thats why its best, to build friendship first, and let marriage build itself on the foundation laid... It may be true that marriage is not the ultimate joy giver. But great friendship gives great joy, even if it doesnt end in marriage. But a marriage between two GOOD FRIENDS, is like a Friendship made in heaven. One becomes the half of the other, choosing not to live without each other. That is no struggle, because its a MUTUAL privilege!... Otherwise people wont call it marriage made in heaven. Its not made in heaven!! Its made right here on earth. Between two great friends, who dont see it as a task, but as an extension of a privilege. Indeed, FRIENDSHIP is a Privilege, it not a right. People in Emotionally traumatised marriages should (by their own choice) find ways of walking backwards again to find that stream of friendship, from where it all started, before its too late... Have a great joy-filled, love-filled weekend. Look after yourself & each other! SHALOM! Your friend! Emotional Doctor!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:17:37 +0000

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