FROM FATHER JUSTUS Blessings of the Trinity to each of you and - TopicsExpress


FROM FATHER JUSTUS Blessings of the Trinity to each of you and your families! This week is Trinity Sunday. Trinity among other meanings is all about relationship. A relationship established by God the Father Himself, in relation with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in order to have us resemble Him and share completely in His Divine life. The greatest way of achieving this goal is by deeply loving God without reservation, and loving others with compassion. Last week Monday (June 9, 2014) was my two years anniversary as a priest. Next month, July 1, will be two years since my first priestly assignment at Shepherd of the Valley Church, Central Point, and Our Lady of Fatima, Shady Cove. This year added another transition of moving from Shepherd of the Valley Central Point, to Sacred Heart Parish, Medford. Transitions and Changes challenge every aspect of our human growth, and make us who we are. Through transition, we become aware of where we are, who we are, and where we probably need to be. Please, I will love to use this medium to express my most heartfelt thanks to each of you. My time here with you at Shepherd of the Valley and Our Lady of Fatima, Shady Cove, was not just time spent for ministry, but time spent with lovely families of God’s people. During my two years stay with you may have certainly demonstrated not only strength, or new learning experiences from serving you, but also continuous room for ministerial growth. So, your love, spiritual support, love for the universal church, and encouragement of all kinds, made me feel strongly you are not just hearers of the Gospel, but rather I saw in you the Gospel itself. My spiritual thanks to our pastor, Fr. Mike Walker for the first priestly ministry experiences I gathered from him, and for his commitment in caring and coordinating God’s affairs at Shepherd of the Valley Church Central Point, and Our Lady of Fatima, Shady Cove. My thanks also go to the staff of our parish for their hard work and support. My gratitude to our dedicated ministers who take communion to the sick and homebound daily; assuring them of God’s constant care and presence, thanks to our dedicated altar servers, our choir, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, lead people, our youth, and Ushers. Finally, big thanks to the Knight of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, and all who in their own little way contributing immensely in supporting our Church with love and passion for Christ; especially those who wish to remain anonymous. Your good works are great support and encouragement to our priestly ministry and to the Church at large. As I travel with some of us to the Holy Land for pilgrimage and prayer, you will all be in our Masses and prayers. I humbly request that I still need your prayers, your love, and your encouragement. God Bless you all, and Happy Trinity Sunday. I love you much!
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 01:14:51 +0000

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