FROM POINT TO COUNTER-POINT.... (RADICAL PART TWO) The purpose of - TopicsExpress


FROM POINT TO COUNTER-POINT.... (RADICAL PART TWO) The purpose of this article is not to point fingers, but to proffer a counter-point. Being salt is to flavor and preserve; being light is to drive away dark so that one can see. Being salt and light does not mean copying, being overpowered by other flavors, or engaging in the ways of those around us who are in need. Over time I have drastically changed what I view, do, read, and listen to. And of that, I am careful of portions. I slowly and steadily began to see how I had given more and more territory, very subtly, to the enemy. What I used to think was OK isnt anymore. Satan knows full well that he doesnt need to present Christians with outright blatant sin that can be clearly seen and called out. He is more successful in seducing us bit by bit. By leading us wave upon wave to a rocky shore where our faith can be shipwrecked. You cant trust Satan; but you can bet he will use subtle seduction more often than not. He loves twisting the truth to suit his purposes, and usually, as in the Garden of Eden; as with Jesus in the desert; will present us with just enough truth so that we will believe the lie. I have made personal choices which might seem extreme to some; but I believe in the long run, I will be glad I have lived in the wilderness on locusts and wild honey (not literally, of course). I have chosen to dwell on good things (Phil. 4:8). I have set my mind on the Kingdom above where Christ is (Col 3:1-2) as much as possible. To the exclusion of anything else that might distract, I am earnestly seeking the perspective of Christ. I am not judging, condemning or condoning the activities of others. But in his letter to Timothy the Apostle Paul says this The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and faith. (1Timothy 1: 5). The world is so in need of radical Christians. Loving, open, warm, kind, patient, forgiving, mature, radical Christians. Not to point fingers, but to be a counter-point. If we do that, we may just help someone else who has been seduced. Might just help strengthen another Christian in their quest to be a counter-point. Point: Satan seduces. Counter-Point: Purity of heart; a clear consciences, and genuine faith. Please pray for me as I seek more and more to be a Counter-Point Christian. Thank you. Shalom.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:56:17 +0000

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