FROM SIMI VALLEY/WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA. THE VIDEO OF JULIAS REUNION AFTER 69 DAYS ON THE RUN. IT IS A MUST WATCH!!! Maybe keep a few tissues near you too. The people who had participated in one way or another and those who were following the rescue process, certainly are very grateful that the outcome was happy! There is an interesting twist as to how she was caught. This technique may be useful for other pet search & rescues. **FROM SIMI VALLEY MISSING PETS, the Search & Rescue Team (& Animal Rescue): OMG - Here it is! The complete story of Julias rescue! Watch it, share it, cry, cheer and enjoy her story and help us find her a forever home! Julia’s Journey has proven to be an expensive one. We were spending about $30.00 a day just on gas and food for her. That’s 1 spay or neuter every two days. That’s 20 Spay or Neuters. That’s upwards of $2,000.00 dollars. We also spent about $200+ in materials to make signs to put in yards because the HOA would take them down in Wood Ranch, $400.00 on a new trap, $160.00 on a new pole, and had 4 of our cars break down during the search. YES you read that right! 4! And during this time we were out, we were shutting down our shop, not doing adoptions, taking off time at work. This hit us really hard financially. Medical bills for other dogs still needed to be paid but no money was coming in. We hardly did any fundraising because we wanted to focus on catching Julia with every spare minute we had. If you are able to contribute to Julias rescue fund for her continued care and to help us help others like her, any amount would be appreciated. We are passionate about saving dogs like Julia and also your dogs when they get out but we cannot do it alone. We need donations to help those that need it the most. Thank you very much from everyone of our team members at Simi Valley Missing Pets. The link to donate is attached. TO DONATE payitsquare/collect-page/42613 https://youtube/watch?v=eQQiGwW4ers&
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:43:42 +0000

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