FROM THE MOUTH OF PRESIDENT PAUL KAGAME .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... To our friends from abroad — I believe you value national unity in your own countries, where it exists. Where it doesn’t, you are working to build it, just as we are. We ask that you engage Rwanda and Africa with an open mind, accepting that our efforts are carried out in good faith for the benefit of all of us. For those who think that for Rwanda, or Africa to be governed properly by its people, by the leaders chosen by these people still requires their endorsement, they are still living in a too distant past. With these words from Kagame’s mouth, I still believe he is one of a kind of leaders African Continent wants, for what I know, we have joined hands to fight against western immorality as infamous so called gay rights to be imposed on our countries, but we still have some people who celebrate the death of our hero’s as Muamar Gaddafi and keep warning other leaders of what happened to him pointing out that they wish it happens to their leaders, I think these people are selfish and are planners of ill to our nations, do you know the major foreign policy of these foreign countries, they only intervene for selfish interests, so if you are sitting there comfortably waiting for these hypocrites to come and define your politics, your are mistaken, they are coming to take away everything you have, ok let us say they come to restore peace as the claim, do we see peace where they have intervened, do we see peace in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, let us define our own politics and history friends.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 08:42:36 +0000

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