FS Speaking about stepparents, ever since my parents split up and - TopicsExpress


FS Speaking about stepparents, ever since my parents split up and my dad got with my stepmom its been hell for me. They split when I was 13 and everything was fine until my dad moved in with her. After that I was constantly talked down on about my weight, when I started my period she wouldnt let me call my mom to go home, Ive been accused of stealing money, jewelry, food everything from her which none I ever did. My sister would go into the kitchen after our parents went to bed and would sneak drinks and candy into her room and my stepmom would automatically say it was me, wouldnt even listen to my sister when she said it was her because she was always finding a way to get my dad mad at me. One year we went to the beach and I started my period and she made me put a tampon in, didnt even give me the box or instructions on how to put it in and I had to walk around on the beach with it in the wrong way for almost 5 hours, I called my mom and she came and got me and that was the last night I ever spent with my dad again. She makes my husband and I feel bad because we just got financially stable to be able to do things and every year we always adopt a family in need to buy them Christmas and cook a Christmas dinner for them well one year we couldnt help pay anything because it was either pay for that or buy our LO Christmas so we chose our child. Everyone in my family understood that and said we shouldve chosen him but last year she threw that up in my face and was like well we cant depend on you to help because of what you did last year. She treats my son like shit when my dad isnt around and in the room, as soon as he walks back in she completely changes into a different person. An I am afraid that if I try and confront her my dad will choose her over me and I dont want my son to not know his grandpa, so Im hoping when my son gets older he will see for himself how she treats him and tells my dad, I think he would believe him over me! Sorry so long, this was 12 years of hell Ive been dealing with lol and there way more to it too but that would take me weeks to explain all the nasty evil shit she has done. #rae
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:36:00 +0000

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