FTC: Truth Slips By US Govt Truth Embargo re: While critics have - TopicsExpress


FTC: Truth Slips By US Govt Truth Embargo re: While critics have long accused NIDA of only funding experiments that examine the substances negative effects, Because that is NIDAs (National Institute on Drug Abuse) entire reason for existence: to prove to those liberals and hippie long-hairs (NIDA was founded circa 1972, remember) how bad pot is for people. If the study is designed to show pots benefits, NIDA wont fund it and will black-list the researcher. Occasionally (1% or less?) researchers cant, wont, or dont hide the benefits in the funded NIDA studies. Hence, some truth about pots benefits evades this US Govt (NIDA) repression. It slips through the cracks. But woe unto such a researcher, for they shall be blacklisted by US Govt., for ever and ever. re: the agency has conducted a handful of studies that look at its potential benefits. Right... This was accidental; some truth slipped through the cracks, the researcher never to be funded by NIDA again. Face it folks, the US Govt, especially at the federal level, is filled with inveterate liars, filled with violence and murder, and corrupt to the core. Pick any thread you see and tug at it (follow the money). Whole US Govt fiefdoms, bureaucracies, departments, and bureaus are devoted to lying, to fool you into unquestioning obedience to government dictates. NIDA fits that pattern completely. According to research done by Jack Herer, the US Govt has even gone back and censored/destroyed research results that show anti-cancer properties of cannabis. Some 10,000 studies were done on cannabis, 4,000 in the U.S., and only about a dozen have shown any negative results and these have never been replicated. The Reagan/Bush Administration put a soft “feeler” out in September of 1983 for all American universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries. Scientists and doctors so ridiculed this unparalleled censorship move that the plans were dropped…for the moment. However, we know that large amounts of information have since disappeared, including the original copy of the USDA’s own pro-marijuana film Hemp for Victory. Worse yet, even the merest mention of the film was removed from the official record back to 1958, and has had to be painstakingly re-established as part of our national archives. Many archival and resource copies of USDA Bulletin 404 have disappeared. How many other such priceless documents (more irreplaceable knowledge) have already been lost? electricemperor/eecdrom/HTML/EMP/06/ECH06_12.HTM Remember that next time you hear some prison-happy prohibitionist croak out some excuse for arresting people for pot, like, We need to research marijuana!. We have - and when we discover that cannabis heals and cures, lying prohibitionists shoot those facts with down the ol memory hole. Typical - but at some point the truth will come out. I think plan of many of these knowingly lying bureaucrats is to studiously pretend not to notice or care they are lying about pot in every manner possible, but to wait until they retire get their fat government pensions. Then their lies and the effects of those lies about pot become another bureaucrats problem.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:13:59 +0000

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