FULLFILLING HIS MISSION By Michael J. Bozzi For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 How do we come to the knowledge of knowing or even understanding His will for our lives? Are we moving in His direction or are we putting are thoughts and ways a step or two ahead of His? Before Christ revealed Himself to me and showed me who i was In-Him, life was all about me! My plans, My ways = My future! What I have learned, what life has taught me, what life is still teaching me, is that Without God anything good for my life is Impossible. Making my plans, doing it my way, has brought harm to me as well as others and has left me with NO HOPE for a future here and NOT A CHANCE of EVER entering into the Kingdom He has prepared for those who believe in Him. We will Never know the plans He has for us if we Never take the time to get to know Him! Spending time in His Word and getting to know others who have a personal relationship with Him is the key to unlocking His character and the beginning to unfolding the plans He has for you. The closer I draw to Him, the more I understand me! God cannot reveal anything to us if our spirit is not in tune with His. Life was never meant to be easy, if everything went our way then why would we need Him! God puts us through the dangers of life, terrifying trials and uncertainties of life to train us to trust In-Him. Waiting is the hardest part, it usually won’t happen when or the way we think it will but when He knows we are ready to receive it. If you are going through the fires of life right now, it’s only because He’s allowing it so He can bring your future into alignment with His. God has made a promise to those he has chosen, cling to it and He we bring you from an uncertain beginning to a glorious ending!!! A heart for Him with love for you! Your Brother In-Christ Michael
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 12:05:57 +0000

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