correspondence released to the State Representatives - TopicsExpress

   correspondence released to the State Representatives office with acknowledged receipt from the same. On a separate note, the question of Why Proceed with a Referendum? may pop up regarding this Grassroots Movement. Here are two reasons that I believe that the Referendum is a key requirement for our effort: 1. First and foremost that the citizens (beyond just the parents) aren’t satisfied with the current school district (implied by their vote) and want to proceed with a charter school. The bill payer for the school district extends beyond just the parents with students attending CEC. Foolish and financially reckless not to allow them to have a decision in the matter. 2. Second, a majority vote in favor of a charter demonstrates that the current school leadership is not representing to the interests of their Wards. The referendum gives them an opportunity to un-inject their heads from their asses and mobilize behind the Charter effort….or answer to their citizenry why they (the elected leader) seem to have a better idea concerning what the people who voted them in should be thinking. The Status Quo is best described by this quote from Tavis Smiley: That is still the case in this country for too many students, the soft bigotry of low expectations. If you dont expect them to learn, if you dont expect them to succeed - then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Read more at brainyquote/quotes/quotes/t/tavissmile416701.html#xPk5jlrDGJ7JltEw.99
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:01:30 +0000

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