Facebook and twitter is cranking up their efforts to sensor and - TopicsExpress


Facebook and twitter is cranking up their efforts to sensor and block True Conservatives, They did this when all of us got the word out on a whole box of stuff that the american people never heard about, Obama Care, and other things that are important to our way of life. I was in facebook and twitter Jail after helping out Ted Cruz and the Senate Conservatives and we were able to feed them so much Corn Flakes that facebook and twitter partially let us out but they still have us 80% sensored as they will not let us share on others walls or post comments and are limited to other things. On top of that the mainstream media have ramped up their efforts with bashing us in as being terrorists on MSNBC just like when they edited our video footage of us in DC and made it look like we started the fight with the Police. You can thank Rachael Maddow for that. All of our footage of DC was supressed and taken down by youtube from day 1 and thanks to our big Network of over 2 million Veterans and Info Warriors we were able to re post and mirror the videos so much that youtube backed off! Please try and understand that I am the same person that you know and love and that all of this is not my political views - This has nothing to do with race, religion creed or Politics. What it is about is to fight and defend the American People against all enemies Foreign And Domestic at all costs including committing Social Suicide online where no one wants me on their friends list. - I have put my companies to the side, put my life to the side. The Military and Veterans are the Guards and Watchmen of our Republic The Military has been ramping up the Purge this past month.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:43:32 +0000

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