Facebook was originally created to connect and reconnect ... to - TopicsExpress


Facebook was originally created to connect and reconnect ... to keep in touch and rekindle... to bring family and friends closer together Tobridge the gap that sometimes financially keep people apart in distance. It was designed to promote and create avenues of wealth& business, to inspire and exchange ideas. To boast of your accomplishments and achievements. .. . Sadly its simply become a breeding ground for venting and the infamous indirect/sideways status , and I myself have been guilty of it . Its become a place where people have problems with another and instead of addressing that person directly they would rather test the waters of public opinions in private matters JUST FOR A COMMENT OR A LIKE which only perpetuates more hate, bitterness, resentment, envious, jealousy, and animosity. We kill more people with our mouths than guns ever will. Think before you speak or in the case of FACEBOOK be very careful about what you put in that little box that ask Whats on your mind ... Yes you can delete the status but the fact that one person may have saw the post is enough reason to think twice before you update. Whatever you do or whoever you are ...JUST BE THAT to the best of your ability. Putting another persons candle out WILL NOT make yours shine ANY BRIGHTER. AGAIN empty wagons make a lot of noise...and I have never heard an APPLE TREE talk.. but Ive eaten a lot of good apples because a TREE is known by the FRUIT IT BEARS. If the world is to become a better place then the CHANGE has to begin within. each individual...and I vow from this point forward to #UseSocialMediaWisely
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:20:26 +0000

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