Facing the military pressure of the Congolese army , itself - TopicsExpress


Facing the military pressure of the Congolese army , itself supported by UN intervention brigade , Sultani Makenga , the military leader of the Movement of 23 - March ( M23) , has decided to fight to the end. A strategy that does not leave room for political compromise on the table in Kampala. Certainly, he has chosen to end the use of arms . Cornered , cut with some 300 of his men on the hills of Rutshuru , Sultani Makenga , the military leader of the Movement of 23 - March ( M23) , refused any accountability . I must say that its scope was significantly reduced in a few days . He had no other choice than to be killed or surrender. He preferred to fight , said a close observer of the evolution of the recurrent crisis in eastern DRC. >> See also DRC : between the fire and a difficult political issue, the M23 must choose Since -offensive against the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) , supported by the brigade of UN intervention in late October , the rebellion is on the defensive. She lost all the territories it controlled in North Kivu . Without its headquarters - Bunagana border post with Uganda was taken over by the army - most of the political leadership of the M23 packed up to join the rest of the rebel delegation in Kampala. Officially, Bertrand Bisimwa , the president and other political leaders of the movement can be found in the Ugandan capital to provide technical support to delegates discuss with the Congolese government, says Jean -Paul Epenge , a spokesman for the M23 . Accountability Act ? In Kinshasa , however , the height of FARDC military success , we do not even speak more than an agreement that the two sides could sign within hours or days. The government now expects an act of surrender mutineers . There is no question of initial on the same document . The M23 was first renounce rebellion, said Francois Mwamba , coordinator of the National Monitoring Mechanism of the Framework Agreement Addis Ababa. Thereafter, the government would act. Only after there [ would have been ] cessation of hostilities , followed by the process of cantonment of rebel forces . A message also echoed by Martin Kobler said in a statement . It is important that the M23 respects what has been agreed, and declared the end of the rebellion , said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC , noting on his twitter account the stages of a deal agreed between parties in Kampala : the cease -fire as a first step , to be followed by the announcement of the end of the rebellion . But on the hill Tshanzu , we turned a deaf ear, the solution based on a surrender not doing business Sultani Makenga , soon 40 years old . And on October 13, 2012, his name is on the blacklist of the Security Council of the United Nations including its responsibility for the violations of international law by the M23 . Getting therefore pave the way for prosecution. The rebel leader then decides , on November 4 , to do battle . How else when others in front , do not stop to shoot you , attempts to justify one of his lieutenants . Consequence of the shells fell on the market Bunagana and are at least six dead and ten wounded, according to the official provisional results . Bertrand Bisimwa has always played the game In the aftermath, the army , supported by the UN brigade against attack and regain control of Mbuzi , one of the three hills of Rutshuru where were entrenched Makenga Sultani and his followers . In the night, the final assault is launched . Tanks and helicopters MONUSCO take action to pound Tshanzu Runyunyi and the last rebel strongholds . In the morning, the M23 is defeated. Technically, the M23 fighters could not take long where they were confined . Over time, it would have its very difficult to get supplies of food, says a source of MONUSCO .
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 04:12:03 +0000

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