***Fairy Card Reveal Time*** If you chose fairy card - TopicsExpress


***Fairy Card Reveal Time*** If you chose fairy card number: •1- Higher Consciousness: you are receiving guidance from your true self, your higher consciousnesses, which is one with Divine universal wisdom. You are listening to love rather than fear. This is validation your recent feelings, thoughts, dreams, & aspirations are coming from Spirit. You have been asking for Divine guidance, and hid higher self has answered your prayers. Your spiritual path has helped you hear this voice because youve taken the time to listen. Perhaps youve begun a mediation or yoga practice, and this has helped you quiet your mind. Or maybe youve put your foot down to the Universe and have adamantly decided to improve your life. Whichever route youve taken, its working well. Now the fairies ask you to keep having conversations with your higher consciousness. This will involve carving out time away from noise and stress. You may need to take frequent nature walks, join a spiritual support group, or go on a retreat. By quieting your life and your mind, your voice of higher consciousness becomes increasingly loud and clear. It guides you perfectly through all life areas. Affirmation: I easily hear and understand the inner voice of Spirit.💙🌟💙🌟💙🌟 •2- Financial Flow: you have manifested a new sense of abundance in your life. Any financial blocks have been removed, and you are now in the glow of increased prosperity, congratulations! Your finances are moving up to a new level. You have been praying for increased flow and have been visualizing greater wealth. Your positive thoughts and desires have resulted in a rich vein of abundance coming your way. This good fortune not only applies to money, but also to increased opportunities in your personal and professional life. The fairies who are supreme experts in manifestation, advise you to keep a positive and joyful heart as you experience your wonderful new state. Continually affirm I graciously accept good into my life right now and I deserve abundance. If you feel that this financial flow ever becomes interrupted, ask the fairies to help you adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can graciously and willingly accept all the gifts that you so richly deserve. Affirmation: I am financially secure. I am supported abundantly today, and every day in my future. 💖💫💖💫💖💫 •3- Honoring Your True Feelings: Youre urged to listen to, and follow your true feelings. Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that its acceptable to delay your inner voice of truth. You have an inner counselor that is very wise. This source of wisdom speaks to you in both physical and emotional ways. Perhaps you have gut feelings that are speaking loudly to you, or physical reactions to situations, such as tightened jaw or a nervous stomach. Your heart may be drawing you toward a particular geographical location, a specific career, or a certain type of relationship. You may feel compelled to leave a particular situation that is unacceptable. The fairies know the importance of heeding their own feelings, and they ask you to do the same. They say, Please dont discount what you know to be true in your heart. Follow your emotions, as they are your inner compass that will steer you home and keep you warm, safe, supported, and joyous. If youre unclear about which emotions youre experiencing, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to gain clarity and understanding. Affirmation: I listen to, honor, and follow my true feelings, knowing that they are answers to my prayers. 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨ I hope youve enjoyed your fairy reading. I am running specials through Monday at midnight for the holidays. Check out the top of my page for pricing and send me a PM if interested. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend beautiful souls.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:43:57 +0000

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