Faith has an incredible story. I met her a few months ago at one - TopicsExpress


Faith has an incredible story. I met her a few months ago at one of our meetings and her story is truly an inspiration. She has come a long way. I am so excited for you, Faith:) My Plexus journey began 8/1/14. By 8/11/14 I was an Ambassador for Plexus. Ive seen dramatic improvement in the type II diabetes I have, bilateral neuropathy pain, GERD, sleep, ability to manage stress, skin condition 99% gone to date, chronic fatigue (now called enormous energy!), and my hormones and moods! I have also as a side benefit, lost 31 lbs to date! I am off three prescription medications and am hopeful that on my next physical, I will be down-dosed or off the final two! On the business side of things, I never imagined in a million years what this precious gift that God brought into my life would bless me and my husband as it has. A couple weeks ago our best boy, Duke, was diagnosed with lung tumors. He declined quickly and we had to release him this week. These two trips to the vet cost us about $600. If it were not for Plexus income, I do not know what we would have done to pay the bills. Ive been an ambassador for 3 months now, and my second full month I earned as much from Plexus (actually more) as I do in one paycheck from my JOB of 15 years. PLUS I earned a laptop case AND an iPad Air!!! Ive never earned or won anything like that in my tenure at my current career. I thank God for both the health blessings and the financial blessings He has brought to our lives through Plexus. The pictures below show during the journey photos. The first was taken one month on Plexus, the second is three and one-half months on Plexus. Just busted a plateau that had me a bit aggrevated for several weeks, with a 5.9 weight loss in the last 5 days! Hang in there and be consistent even through the plateaus, and make SURE you are drinking the right amount of water, dont slack
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:15:51 +0000

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