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Fake ass religion and fake ass science-------------------------------------------------------- Afrocentrism is like “therapeutic mythology”, a way to promote the self-esteem of African Americans “by creating a past that never was.” The origins of Afrocentrism lay in black nationalism and is NOT factual history. Were Afrocentrism a means of creating African American community and thus empowering a minority, it would be comparable to such mythologies used by other minorities. Such mythologies, however, have been grounded in historical thought, while Afrocentrism is factually errant and theoretically flawed. By urging black Americans to seek empowerment in a misconstructed Egyptian history, Afrocentrists not only mislead, opening their students to ridicule, but they also assert that culture is “transhistoric”–that is, it can be transferred through time and space intact. Culture is always changing and will be different as a result of any transfer, willing or unwilling, on the part of those living it. African Americans have created a culture of their own – a culture of which to be proud, but not an Egyptian or African culture. Afrocentrism turns African Americans into helpless victims whose ancestors created a glorious culture and then for thousands of years accomplished little. They became the dupes and victims of Europeans, enslaved and exploited, and now their descendants must look to a mythical African past for purpose and meaning. Given the popularity of Afrocentrism and its spread through the academic community and popular culture, anyone teaching history or otherwise interested in the nature of historical methodology should take the time to educate themselves. The manipulation of history to create a particular attitude or support a political point of view is sometimes a way of creating unity and gaining power for political gain. Afrocentrism in a nutshell: The ancient Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black, the ancient Greeks stole Africa’s culture (philosophy, medicine) and claimed it as their own, Africans invented writing, had many architectural achievements, developed electricity and “early planes.” They believe that Africa is one homogeneous culture, despite the fact that many cultures exist on the continent, and that all ancient civilizations were either black or stole ideas from blacks. Here’s the kicker: Jesus was black. Yes, despite the fact he was born in the Middle East of a Jewish mother, he was in fact a black man. Therefore, Jews and Christians hijacked Judaism and Christianity from Africans. Afrocentrism is currently taught in some government-run (taxpayer-supported) schools. Every subject, even mathematics, is taught from an afrocentric perspective. Its utter foolishness may render you speechless. According to a story in the Chicago Tribune, “Afrocentric curriculum proposed for District 65″ (registration req.), black residents in Evanston have asked the school board hacks to consider implementing an afrocentric curriculum, which they hope will raise the scores of black children: After decades of struggle to close the achievement gap between white and black students, Evanston school officials are considering a curriculum that would emphasize African literature, history and arts as a way to improve academic performance…. White pupils in the Evanston district continue to outperform black pupils by wide margins on standardized tests. The differences on the latest 2003 Illinois State Achievement Tests were typical, showing that on 3rd-grade reading tests, 87 percent of white pupils met or exceeded standards compared with 43.4 percent of black children. Similar disparities were seen in every grade and in every subject. At first glance, anyone with half a brain can see that this is a dumb idea, even without all the evidence completely discrediting afrocentrism. No reputable scholars acknowledge afrocentrism or even take it seriously, yet these parents think exposure to ignorant claims will raise their kids’ test scores? Get me some smelling salts! This bogus history (which “scholars” say was destroyed by whites to downplay Africa’s greatness) is apparently designed to raise the self-esteem of black kids, which some surmise is the reason for their poor performances in school. Again, at first glance, it’s obvious that lack of parental involvement and home environments not conducive to learning (no books, too much TV viewing), coupled with unqualified teachers and the indoctrination of politically correct tripe like afrocentrism, are major reasons black children underperform in school. Why black parents allow their precious gifts from God to be experimented on by quacks is beyond me. For more on the absurdity of afrocentrism, check out scholar Mary Lefkowitz, who wrote an excellent book, Not Out of Africa. Dinesh D’Souza wrote a good article about afrocentrism. Additionally, University of California history professor Clarence Walker has written extensively on the subject. He says, “Afrocentrism is a mythology that is racist, reactionary, and essentially therapeutic. If blacks want to study myth, legend and outright lies, they should do so on their own time with their own money. But they cross the clear line of rationality when they want to poison young black minds with this garbage and make you pay for it. While the grown-ups are puffing themselves up about so-called African accomplishments, these poor children are taught distortions and lies in the name of “ethic pride.” The result? White students, who study real accomplishments by Western cultures, including the black American sub-culture, will continue to outperform black students. Afrocentrism is just another way to divert the blame for black failures to someone or something else. As usual, it’s the kids who suffer
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:57:54 +0000

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