Family __________ Queen Ifrica, Please allow me to say Much, - TopicsExpress


Family __________ Queen Ifrica, Please allow me to say Much, much, very much Respect to di I, I say this for the mere fact that you are bold enough to come fort with that POWERFUL message to all those so call fathers, whether step or biological who JAH has put in a strategic position to watch over, and to bring up these young girls in such a way that they would have a mind to respect their counterpart just as how God would have them… Therefore, I say to you ”Natural African Woman” continue to champion your campaign with that message against the pain, life long pain these creatures afflict on these precious lives never to be has how the Master would have her to be. We need to let these little girls know that the very first time these guys, and I mean, “guys”, touch them they need to ring the alarm that we may do our very best to turn these perverted minds, that they may come to that place of over standing that little girls, and sometimes little boys are not their play mates. By these guys doing this, in some ways it is not far from Genocide, so lets all of us in this uncertain world join our voices, and our resources with Queen Ifrica and “Stop Genocide” against our future ..Queens.. and sometimes Kings. So often we in the BLACK community would want to sweep this form of massacre against our children under the rug-I say it is wrong, extremely WRONG If YOU are one of those FOOLS, you need to repent from your wicked ways and pay the price for your wicked deeds, then come join us in radiating this behaviour off the face of this planet which JAH has loan unto us. You who have much influence on the lives of those who are in your reach, yes, I am talking to all you teachers, pastors, doctors, politicians, lawyers, social workers, musicians and others who at this time I fail to include in this note, however the good thing is that you know who you are, and because you know who you are in this effort-this effort that we may KILL this giant that is hurting far too many lives. In closing, I say “Daddy” be that “Daddy’ that you ought to be, Love your dawta the way you were made to love her, and that is with much attention, Godly affection, concerns, as well as with careful guidance showing them the way to survive the giant of a Godly women they need to be, in the calling (Career) they have chosen. Again, love them with all of your heart and not with your organ (penis) that said stop hitting “Below the Waist”! Queen, again much respect for this piece called “Daddy”. In closing, I say “Daddy” be that “Daddy’ that you ought to be Love your dawta (daughter) the way you were made to love her, and that is with much attention, godly affection, concern, as well as with careful guidance showing them the way to survive this world and bringing out the giant of a women in the calling (Career) they have chosen. Again, love them with all of your heart and not with your organ (penis) that said stop hitting “Below The Waist” is defiantly, absolutely a no, no because God(JAH) will surely hold you accountable for the wrong cause upon those children He has place into your care. Again, fathers protect your children from the “Babylonian Mentality” which is a system that would ripe away the identity from its victim just has how it was impose upon Daniel and the rest of the Hebrew children whom had a potential of being great their calling (chosen profession) Daniel 1:1-16 in verses 6-7 how the king of the day changing the name of Daniel and the three Hebrew boys. So, fathers I say please do not allow this type behaviour to come upon you and take you over, therefore, do your best to rear your child/ children in that respect that they were ordain by God (JAH) to walk into. As we all know, there will be a “New world order” and when this “New World order” comes we defiantly would like for our children strong mind the mind that God (JAH) had form in them before the foundation of this would, not having them to take up the “Kingston state of Mind” as the my Nubian Princess Cherine Anderson would sing, and as she recently wrote “South Africa State of Mind” she trying to put a title to those evil minded individuals who had killed Lucky Dube, not too long ago. This is why we, I call upon all of us who in some way or the other has some type of influence over some little persons life, may I at this time include such person as police officers, probation officers, fire fighters, mothers, child youth workers, and the host of all of you who has the power to impact a child’s life do your best to preserve the innocents of that Child. Papa San has a song which is title “More Life” meaning when we embrace the teachings of the Most High “Elohim” Almighty God we who He had made in His own Image should no doubt we as one with a god like mentality. Caring, loving His creation, like manner, we most at all times love, care and cherish that which we too have created in our own imagine and that is our children. So join with me and all others who are empowering lives all around the world-especially those lives that marginalize by those who consider themselves to (Topper Dons) like the Pharisees who had tried to condemn Christ in the book of Matthew and other parts in the New Testament , therefore, as Bob Marley would sing” emancipate yourself from mental slavery”, and one way of doing this is to acquire as much information as possible that you may be power pact to face whatever, the Babylonian system would throw at you-do not however, forget the best source of information that would best equip us in fighting that system and that as far I’m concern is the Bible, some say it is a white men’s book-what I will therefore, say all type of men has use this Good book to do evil. To you fathers, extract that information that God had placed in it for YOU. As I close, let us look In the book of Ephesians 6:4, states “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. While in the book of Proverbs reads, “My son hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother-therefore, fathers “Daddy” you need to embrace your children in the manner God (JAH) your heavenly father had taught us men as earthly fathers (Stewart) over these children we are bless to watch over until they are mature enough to do as they ought to do to those, they will be privilege to be caretakers over. I also say, tell your child “When You Cry” you as a “Daddy” cares and will be “Praying” a “Prayer” for him/her. With that said, much big up to YOU Queen Ifrica and to all those other Musician especial those female who are bringing fort their innate maternal insight warning us of the purpose and the responsibility we as fathers have towards our dawtas (daughters) and sons, for without our mothers, wives, sisters telling us what is on their hearts concerning we so often seem to end up in a place of darkness, and when we as men, fathers or even a bother to a sisters at a place of darkness there is just no way we are able to have the mind capacity to be the fathers that we ought to be. Therefore, whenever, we find ourselves at such position we must “Bow” to our knees saying to God (JAH) “I Am Concern” about the state in which I am in. When we as fathers are able to sincerely tell God that we have not been listening to our counterpart, as well as to those that we have created after our own kind-we are therefore exempt from the cure we read about in the book of Malachi We can also a line these verses with Ephesians 6:4, as well as with Exodus 20: 12-17 cause when we as Priest of our homes and husbands to our wives, and fathers to our children we put ourselves at the place were our heavenly father can say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” just as how he had said about Christ after His baptism. Matthew 3: 13-17, you may read about it also in the book of Mark and Luke. Let us as the protector of our home “Pray for Peace” or should I say let our children find us on our knees that they too may know as men created in God’s own image it is not a sign of weakness to go before God asking for direction. The greatest sample that was set for us is in the book of the gospel when Jesus the Christ with into the of ..Gethsemane.... having a heart to heart talks with JAH Himself about His future. Mark 14: 32-42. No matter what the problem is we need to no that God is well able to”Turn Things Around” I and I nay lie, all I can say to those of YOU who may question what I’m saying is trust mi, and give God (JAH) a try and see if He will not be Jehovah Jireh in your situation, then no doubt you will be able to say to all those around you that you have “Step Pon Di Enemy” and (JAH) therefore “ God Is By Our Side” and you will therefore “Stand Firm” in the promises of di “Almighty” asking Him “Jehovah-Rohi to continue to lead you through the Valley of the shadow of evil , knowing that He will do to that fact He had said that He will not leave us nor will He forsake us. Now this is a God that I have NUFF confidence living for. With that said, also allow your child/children to echo those same sentiments about YOU! “ Daddy” you are very important to that little girl –in all that you do, be that Daddy that she/he may boast about you, and like King David you said about His Heavenly father “Thy Words Have I Hidden In My heart that I May Not Sin Against Thee” Psalm 119:11. As we Jamaican would say, “Out of Many, One People… One Love-zeen!!! Again, much respect to you Queen Ifrica! Written by; Reverend Richard Steve Mitchell Friends for Life Outreach Ministry Registered organization Friends4life658@hotmail 647-858-9463
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:15:12 +0000

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