Fan needs advice, no bashing!! My almost 6 year old son has a - TopicsExpress


Fan needs advice, no bashing!! My almost 6 year old son has a form of autism-aspergers. He also suffers from PTSD and has OCD. Out of all my children he is my only special needs child. He is the second born. My mother though... Ugh one minute she seems okay with him and shows his pictures to all of her friends. But when its just her and I talking she is so negative about everything. She blames me for him being a child with aspergers. I think he is terrific. He is an amazing child. He and I have gone through so much. Back ground. I had him premature. I thought he was fine as he grew (when he grew) but he just needed feeding therapy to get a good start. Well about a month after he was born he started screaming. Not painful screams just screamed. He wouldnt look at me he didnt want to be cuddled he didnt want to be touched. Well I would and I would hold him and rock him as he screamed and soon he would fall asleep. I hate to say it but I looked up adoption agencies multiple times because I just thought this new baby of mine hated me. When milestones would come and go and he had no intention to do anything but scream I would take him to the doctor. She said all will come in time. She would check him out make sure he was physically able and he just wasnt willing to. I was also a single mother of my two children with NO father in the picture whatsoever.. His birth was even on my own.. Csection.. Well he never crawled but I was determined my child wouldnt be left behind at 18 months when we should be starting to potty train I decided he is going to walk. Forget crawling. I bribed him and bribed him m&ms and bringing his bottle back he walked!! He still never babbled a single syllable he screamed constantly still. My neighbors would tell me he was a prince getting everything he wanted but we did it. This baby of mine walked he still wouldnt look me in the eyes... The more mobile he had gotten I also noticed the more he would bang his head purposely on things. He never got into any cabinets touched forbidden objects didnt even bite others... Although he bit himself quite often. I took him back to the doctor once he stopped screaming non stop at about 2 years old because he wasnt babbling he would just sit blankly. He had finally started to enjoy objects. We went to a speech therapist. My baby had almost no comprehension of what was going on around him!! It wasnt he didnt like me he just didnt understand me!! For 6 months we learned ate slept and walked speech eye focusing and comprehension. He started speaking between 3 1/2 and 4 years then we completed potty training later... We still struggle!! He also started occupational therapy when we started speech. He finally graduated speech therapy last year!! He still is in speech. Finally got with a great counseling therapist this year that isnt afraid of everything my child has and wasnt scared of his diagnosis but in fact came to the bottom of it!! His hallucinations from the PTSD people were telling me it was childhood psychosis!! Now my mother is saying oh you dont need to continue him in this and just make him be normal! She said she will take him to his next visit and drop him off and let him be a normal kid bc supposedly he is normal with her. Lol she tried taking him to an amusement park... Idk if youve ever taken or seen a child with autism at an amusement park.. (you dont surprise an autistic child) they thought she had stolen him long story short!! She thinks that everyone should basically be thrown to the wolves and if you keep ur head up youll be fine! Sorry just needed some advice.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:48:42 +0000

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